Wednesday, September 30, 2009

of pin curls and trains

So, I’m thinking sleeping on pin curls would make a very effective torture device. As your head hits the pillow you have to adjust it just right so as to find the least uncomfortable position. Before the night is ended you have found three such positions and have entirely over used them all. Each time you roll over you must completely lift your head and gingerly replace it on the pillow. With bobby pins sticking in your head every which way, you wake up after an eternal night with a slight headache and stiff neck. Well, maybe that was from the ill fitting backpack from the day before…. All the same the question is:
Was it worth it?
We carefully take down each curl to reveal …no, not sultry waves, but tangled, kinky, corky, curlish things. Beautiful!!!! “In a really weird way.” Sorry, no pictures.

But after some much required help from Sage and Tera we (Alicia and I) look presentable enough to continue our day with a train ride on the historic Georgetown Loop Railroad.

You can’t help but smile on an autumn day in the mountains such as this one. The sky is a glorious sea of blue, the golden aspens quivering in the cool, crisp breezes….
Hope you enjoy these pictures that have captured our day and will forever bring back memories of pin curls and trains.


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