yeayyy. akhirnya salah 1 pujaan hatiku ni da dpt~! yesss. beli sendiri la. buekkk =P
tgh dgr berulang juta kali nih. ahah. best best best. as for today...
dpt jgk lg 2 pujaan hatiku - blue swirl ipanema flip flop & black blink2 everlast shirt.
do i need to mention that? owh yes. bukan slalu. skee hatiii. btoll la.
nak buat hati sdiri je happy skrng. kalo bkn sdiri, sape lg nak happykan hati ni.
btw. puasss hati. ahah... and owh, 4th of sept sudah kan.
pujaan hati no... tah. =P
happy birthday faris syg busuk masam my cousin~!
ahah... syg kamu ketat - ketat~! da mcm abg org da.
lame x jmpe kamuuu! dang~ rindu awk!
happy birthday 2 adie + pak ngah as well.
may allah blessed all of u.
typical final destination.
cam final destination lain. ahah~
and yar, obviously it's toturing my mind.
and babe. to u. kenapakah send sms x delivered? erm...
seriously i miss u all these days so much.
and, u're leaving 2morrow? dang~ not that fast, plz ={
babe. too much to say. but. most important of all.
i miss u so much. and plz trust me when i said,
"i'm with u all the way."
i'm sorry that i can't met u 4 the last time.
i'm sorry that i can't always b there 4 u.
i'm sorry that if i ever hurt u.
i'm sorry 4 every simplest thing that might hurt u.
i love u.
belajar leklok kelak. and and. kuatkan semangat.
teruskan hidup... utk diri u sendiri. *wink wink*
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