Monday, June 30, 2008

Sam Gae Tang, Sam Gye Tang

Chicken and Ginseng Soup

The belly rules the mind. ~Spanish Proverb

I ate this at a nice restaurant next to Tom And Toms in Suncheon.
One bowl One chicken is 10 000 won.
Considered Summer food . It is most popular on the hottest day of the summer.

Benefits of Ginseng

" Ginseng is believed to improve blood flow, improve memory and improve thinking. The Chinese believe that if you drink ginseng tea on a regular basis, it can make you more alert. Improved blood circulation can also bring more blood flow throughout the body and increase energy and enhance sexual functions. Ginseng is also believed to reduce stress and help in relaxation and to improve sleep. Ginseng may also lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and help to control hypertension. Ginseng can also increase longevity and slow down cellular degeneration." Find more below


2 Cornish hens
1/2 cup sweet rice
4 pieces of dried ginseng root
6 garlic cloves
4-5 chestnuts "bam"
8 red dates "dae choo"
approximately 9 cups water
2 green onions, sliced into thin rings for garnish

Clean the chicken inside and out.
Trim any visible fat as much as possible.
Wash rice, ginseng, chestnut and red dates.
Stuff inside the chicken with rice and seal.
In a heavy pot, add chicken, ginsengs, red dates, chestnuts, garlics and ginger.
Pour water to cover the chicken.
Bring to a boil and turn down to simmer.
Cook about 2-3 hours until the bones fall apart. Skim out the fat on top occasionally.

You can buy the chicken and rice and everything you need pre packed in the chicken In most supermarkets for about 5000. All you got to do is cook it.

Video from Here

Another meal similar to this is Dak Baek Suk(Steamed Chicken)
I ate this once at a nice restaurant outside town. We got a really big chicken first and rice in chicken stock after. It was one of the best meals I have had in Korea.

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