Sunday, May 1, 2011

Terengganu, reason to visit: sea and breakfast

assalamualaikum wbt dan selamat malam! :)

i'm now writing from my home, yes i was safely arrived KL around 1130pm. Alhamdulilah. To be honest, after a long tiring journey, almost 6 hours from Kuantan-KL, i guess u could imagine how sleepy i am right now. I can hardly open my eyes. The traffice was terrible, especially from Karak-Bentong. I only slept for the first 30minutes and it was raining heavily so, i decided to stay awake and pray that everything would be just fine.

for yesterday, i woke up at 630am, solat, and quickly jump off the bed and run to the sea! it was 7am, people! hee. mama was babbling, so, i got no choice, instead of change my clothes, and enjoying the fresh morning air! :)

i'm sort of lazy to join the adults for a holiday. especially when most of my cousins are working. but, this is it people, few reasons why i love to go to Terengganu! It is the sea and the special breakfast menu, nasi dagang!

there were a few little tiny sea shells.

as i mentioned before, it was 7am. the sun is about to rise.
a very nice incredible view!

if only u guys ingt, dulu dlm geografi, ade Teluk, Hilir, Hulu :P

nenek rock dan cucu :)
i love walking on the sand.

there's a fisherman, and he managed to catch quite a number of fish!

mr crab! the big one. haha. i was excited!
excited to see them alive, in front of my eyes. :P

we walked to the hotel, and we were almost there, it was almost 8am,
and, TA-DAA! there's a food stall, and full with people. yes, it was only 8.

nahhh. this is a pure, hot, superb nasi dagang!

done with breakfast, it's the time for the kids. they were running and smiling, and jumping......... to the swimming pool. but few minutes later, amir was crying just because he was fighting with her youngest aunt, aisyah. pfttt. mak su dia pun tak boleh bla. (maksu tu aisyah yg baru darjah 5) :P

abah has always been a good father and uncle :)

big swimming pool full with kids.

and there, you could see my mum, teh, mama ngah, and my grandma.
cool pixca aite? haha. :P

i'm done with the sea and the breakfast. later, i'll let u know more about the market! it's a must-go place for everyone. till then, take care! :)

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