Saturday, May 14, 2011

sneak peak - 1st step of what a video editor would do and how did i become where i am today.

assalamualaikum :)

this pictures was taken yesterday as i was alone, like all day in the 'dubbing' room. i was actually doing the 1st step of editing. and editing stuff semua dlm bilik dubbing room. dubbing room tu actually bilik kalis bunyi, and selalunye kalau skrip dlm drama tu tak jelas ke lepas dah settle shooting, pelakon akan record balik skrip tu dlm bilik dubbbing ni and editor, will match it with the script and scene. faham tak? kalau tak faham, tanye. huhu.

i was supposed to have my ENT appointment by 8am. but then, unfortunately it was postponed until next wednesday. heh. geram gilaaa. my nose bleed like 5times dah in this 2weeks! sadis aa. nih semalam pagi i dah sakit tekak, selsema and mata berair pedih, which all concludes to 1 thing, DEMAM.

yes, i really am uncomfortable and extra tired with this fever. well u just know how it feels. that mix of warm and cold. and as for the 2nd day, i took 30 minutes to reach office, and 1 hour to reached home. *AKU BENCI KL TANG JAMMED JE*

ppl might wondering, who i was. okay to make it clear. i was a SPM candidates of 2006.
i did not get an offer to matrix *and now i really am thankful for that* (i'll tell later)
and, i got a UPU - for UMP diploma in mechanical engineering kot. tak ingt dah. HAHA.
then. cam sadis gila, SPM dpt 5A1, *yg lain toksah cita* tp mintak law tak dpt. tak dpt!
dah down gila vavi, tammo masuk UMP sbb dr lahir sampai besar gajah tak pernah minat engineering. forensik toksah mimpi lah kan. so last last decided mintak IPTS, asalkan minat.
huh. berderet lah sbb IPTS senang ja dpt. MSU, UNISEL, and MIIM (akademi TV3)

MSU, for law. UNISEL for biotech, MIIM broadcasting. i was torn, i didn't know which one to choose. i love law and forensic the most. i really do, asked my BFF. pk punya pk, then i decided to choose Broadcasting. mula mula, honestly laaaa kengkwn, rasa mcm 'OMG betol kaaaa aku ni?' rasa mcm tak boleh fix in. but then rasa, gilaaaa enjoy, i love this!!! FYI, there were only 2 of us dr batch MRSM kita org dulu yg ambik masscom and broadcasting ni, the other one is a friend of mine, Muna. tp dia dkt Unisel. hehe. (okay dah panjang jelaaaa nanti cite lg)

***okay last year april 2010-july 2010 --- intern dkt BERNAMA (Berita Nasional Malaysia). i became a Broadcast Journalist (wartawan) and Assistant Producer.

August 2010-December 2010 --- x sampai seminggu rehat, terus kerja dkt HNJ pictures. dkt dgn rumah, boss baik gileeeee, staff office pun baik gileee. *syg korang semua* i got a chance to learn a lot of thing. from Assistant Producer, to how to do prompter, how to make an appointment, and BJ as well. kenape benti? sbb habis contract and currently they new project were still pending.

then sakit hidung, demam 2 bulan, operation tonsils, etc --- Jan 2011 - Feb 2011. barulah rehat, and i decided to spent my time dgn jual tudung! haha. buka lah rainbow shawls.

April 2011 - settle down MUET and UPU dgn harapan kononnya nak sambung study this Sept.

but then, May 2011 - present, jadi video editor, visual editor or senang cite editor lah. ngee. :) okay inilah 1st step kerja dia!

well this is from 13 episodes of local drama. we divided it into each episode.
and asingkan ikut episode, asingkan tape dia and babak.

ini adalah tape-tape dia. ada 70++ tape nak kene tgk satu-satu oi!

so, we have to preview all the tape, and choose the best shot!
i mean, selagi director kata CUT CUT tu, tak ok lah tu.
bila dah pilih, rekod plak guna recorder nih.

we have 3 screens. the 1st one - preview ape yg kte dah pilih utk record.

2nd screen - preview mane yg nak pilih sebelum rekod.

and this is just a big screen. kita blh tgk lg jelas the tones, the shots.
and time record, tak boleh buat apa. so tgk je lah, mcm tgk TV :P

heh. boss kata bersepah. HAHA.
imagine lah, nak record best shot ni pun, blh makan beberapa hari.
semalam je dr 10am-6pm menghadap ni je, baru lepas utk 2episod tahu! tu pun tak habis.

ngee. syok aa tak de org. ape lg yg best kerja dlm bidang ni?
boleh pakai sempoi mcm gi jalan or gi pasar. haha. kalu duk office je la :P

okay nanti cerita lain about study and etc. nak siap siap pergi tgk wayang jap lg. mama, abah, cik, kak sally and i dah beli ticket utk tgk cerita kongsi malam nanti 930pm. about 1 hour left. till then!

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