Friday, May 13, 2011

OT Tip - Spring Flower Activity

This past week I have been having all my kids at work do this craft and everyone has really enjoyed it! It works on many fine motor skills such as cutting, glueing, using a stapler and writing. I got the idea from Free Kids Crafts.

Spring Flower Activity
Via: Busy Bee Kids Crafts 

2 different colors of paper
Glue  or Staples
Yarn or twine


First pick out what colors you want the middle of your flower to be as well as the petals. I did not use construction paper, I used a thicker card stock paper. If you are working with a child who tends to cut too fast and has a hard time staying on the cutting line, try using different paper. The thicker paper will slow them down because it is harder to cut through and will force them to pay attention more and stay on the line. I drew a line, 1 inch apart on the paper for them to cut on. Remember to use a thumbs up position on the paper and scissors like below.

Then fold the strips in half and either tape, glue, or staple then ends together. I found that staples work best and are the fastest. If you are working with a younger child, tape or glue may be more appropriate than staples. If you decide to use glue remember to give enough time for the glue to dry before continuing.

For the one color that is your middle piece you can have the child write their name on it or a short sentence. Remember to have them hold their pencil correctly, with the tips of their fingers and with their last two fingers tucked into their hand.

Then make that strip into a circle and either glue, tape or staple together.

Now you are ready to put the whole thing together. You can glue, staple or tape them like I have here, or you can have the hole in the loop facing forward instead of the strip. I have made them both ways.

And the finished product!

You can also use plain white paper and hand your child color the strips to work on some coloring skills.

You can decorate your house or their room with these. I tied string to each one and decorated outside my door at school. This picture also shows you how you can have the petals facing in the other direction.

I hope this gives you some ideas! Feel free to be creative with this and adapt it however you need to for your child! 

Disclaimer: I am a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. The advise in these tips is not a replacement for medical advise from a physician or your pediatrician. Please consult their advice if you suspect any medical or developmental issues with your child.  

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