Monday, May 23, 2011

Michele Amas showcased on Tuesday Poem this week

The poem 'home to you' by award-winning Wellington poet Michele Amas which won her second place in the Caselberg Poetry Prize 2011 is on Tuesday Poem this week. Judge of the Caselberg prize Bernadette Hall said of the poem, 

‘home to you’ by Michele Amas, is wicked, there’s no doubt about that. It’s also elegant and quick and clever. You have to be alert as you’re jumped from line to line. Above all it’s an audacious love poem, circling, gathering, exploding in that unforgettable last line.

How could you possibly miss it? Go here, to read the poem, and then investigate the sidebar where the Tuesday Poets post poems by themselves or poems they've selected. You'll find an astonishing range, from the ongoing epic poem by poet Zireaux which this week features a stanza about TV star Pamela Anderson, to a poem on a raven that isn't by Edgar Allen Poe, to a poem on a father's ritual with a boiled egg by Sarah Holland-Batt, to a poem for composer Gillian Whitehead called Taonga Puoro, to a poem by Tim Jones on a rugby league game - and that's only the beginning. But the best place to start is with Michele's poem which begins...

one husband lost
playing a game
of tennis serving
or returning his heart ...

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