Monday, September 6, 2010

balik kampung

Hai folks! I'm home!
So nice to be home again, especially my big family gathering here, in my house. Hari Raya Aidil Fitr reaching soon. Four more days to go, aww Ramadhan will take off from us :(
It feels peaceful to be here, but then I'm always thinking bout my skipped classes, hummm. I got no choice. :'(

After Raya I should work hardily on classes and finishing up all the assignments. Brrr that is my real life.. :P

I bought a lot pairs of shoes for auntties, mom, and boutique's customer, hehe..
Everyone loves it. =_=
I half-dead belanja for them, so heavy. Haha.
There are 37 pairs, Tracy said.
And I need to buy another new luggage for them.

look at my luggage.

Both of my luggage worth the weight 28kg O_o
Luckily I booked additional baggage the day before.

Arrived in Makassar, I directly go to iftar (buka puasa) with aunty and others.
Seafood! But too bad, I forgot take pic, because im in hunger already.

Morning the next day, I ride back to Palopo with Citra my cousin, Aunty(my mother's sister) and my uncle, her husband. They from Jakarta.
8 hrs journey!!! X_X
plus the trans road got repairing. X_X
But the journey not feel that bad because we rode a nice car. Woahahaha..
Blacky Alphy ;)

EEEEEEE, its not just in CNY we got AngPao,
Raya also we have Ang-Pao,
This is the pic when I helping my aunty to fill the angpao with newly printed money.
(Freshly from the bank because my uncle is one of the general director of bank institution in indonesia)
I like to smell the newly printed money :P
our ang-pao envelopes special for Raya :)

Ok. Thats I have today!
I will back soon with another new updates!

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