Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Crowning Glory

Hi everyone, Well the Scott's show is over. I always get a mix of feeling about it being over. In one respect I like doing the show, and talking and having fun with other dealers. On the other hand its a lot of work. I'm relaxing today and cleaning my house, nothing else to do today being its kind of misty and rainy. I feel kind of melancholy, so I might as well keep busy. I want to show you my best purchase at the show, my newest crown. As you all know I love crowns (I try to keep the number down, after all I think the Queen of England would have a hard time keeping up with me if I got everyone I loved). This is the same type that Shabby Chic used to have (I love Shabby Chic the store, but I'm not paying $200.00 for a crown. I'm an addict, not insane). Every time I would go in there I wanted one, but could not justify that much money for a tcokche (I hope I spelled it right). So I said to myself I'll get it one day. When I started doing Scott's I noticed in Amy's booth she had the same crown for a lot less. It took me a while to do it, but I finally just went for it, I'm glad I did. It looks perfect on the coffee table in the silver bowl with the shells (where the smaller crown was).
Great old rusty details and the stones look old also. Why look for one in Europe when you can find great reproductions on the market for a lot less (Anyway how many real and old crowns are floating around).
If you are interested in your own crown, contact Amy at http://www.hiveforthehome.com/ and tell her you are interested in a crown, as they are not on the website. Tell her you saw it on The Swedish Room (sorry it won't get you a discount, she just wants to see how many of you respond).
Oh and the other crown, it found a good home. BTW she sells this one too.
See everyone next time........

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