went to lumut, perak. whoaaa. rase cam heaven je dpt tgk pantai. pantai!!!
even just for a day. dang~ i need a vacation mama + abah! uhuu~
dah few times sampai sini. tp, yup, small town, but i like it. peaceful enough.
tgk swimming pool. lamenye x swimming. tp trime kasih je la kan.
sbb nmpk la ade board 'strictly swimming attire' mmg hampeh la T_T
and mlm selasa tu, gi JJ AU ni with kma + kak sally. kwn kak sally, mintak tlg.
tlg belikan teddy bear 4 his gf. funny aite? then. x jmpe yg cambest. so. kma ajak g karok.
grr~ i'm not a karok maniac. tp layan je la. sejak 2 menjak ni ske nyanyi. wahaha.
and, there we go, 1 hour. sempat la sy nyanyi 4 lagu. trust me, itu ajaib. haha.
and the funniest part, keluar je dr karok, tgk hujan lebat gile dkt luar JJ.
we were laughing like... idk. like monkey. HAHAHAHAHAHA. gilo larh~
so i went to watson's, n big apple since mama nak big apple duran duran~ yummy.
and. suddenly. i stopped by - the body shop. and. i SAW and SMELL a...
LOVE ETC from body shop
OMG. i want this so badlyyyyyyyyy.
it was tuesday right? and it's friday now.
and belive me when i said i-think-bout it all the time.
1st reason - sbb die rainbow!!! OMG... grrrr~
2nd -cuz it smells good. alaaaaaa.
siap tnye salesgirl die lg.
"excuse me is't a new product, or limited edition"
and she said, "well it depends on the management & market"
DANGGGG. duit dahlah tgk kering. whoaaa.
1 set for sure hundred ++. hukkk. tlg blh tak?
tlg DOA je sy akan dpt jgk set ni. DOA je. thanks =]]
no class. jap. yup, x de. kot. eh menipu larh! de MCP. ptg-lewat ptg.
MCP was great, so far. En zul sgt ok, so far. nnt shooting nnt, tataw la. thee.
and the next day, which was thurday, full of meeting. VG2 + BJ
VG2, jeng jeng. terpilih jd PA for this week pnye shooting. PA ingt senang?
wahaha. ssh taw. sbb kene scream out loud, and, jage timing btol2. whoaa.
it's ok. i'm trying to train myself to say 'YES' to everything. yes! hee.
and, BJ, seronok. haha. reccee, jalan2 around setiawngsa, keramat, kemensah.
then ambik shot2 utk VT utk shooting BJ nnt.
BJ only. td jd news presenter. bace both tv news + radio news. awww. best.
i mean like, ye larh, mule2 cuak jgk. tp x berdebar plak td. pelik~
last2 senyum je dpn lects, and, bace dgn lancar. alhamdulilah. lucky enough~
overall this week. i should say. erm, ade upside down.
ade bnyk bnde best + happy. tp ade jgk yg sdeyh, plus pilu. huhu.
tp, life. full of drama aite? it's ok. everything happened 4 a reason.
owh ye. lame sy x upload pixca dkt blog kan? sbb.
memory card Mr.cybershot tu senget. sume gmbr hilang.
majuk da dgn die! wawawa. nak gi klcc. nak beli memory card je.
pon x smpt2. tgk movie? ape tah lg. hoho. ok larh.
sape2 tgh final tuh. best of luck =]]
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