Wednesday, October 14, 2009

childhood beverages

Study finds that girls consuming two or more 8-ounce servings of sweetened beverages a day at the age of five were “more likely to be overweight than were girls classified with lower intake over the study period.” Those drinking more than two servings of sweetened beverages at age five had a 53.9% chance of being overweight by the age of 11 [1].

The authors did not, however, find a link between milk or fruit juice consumption and weight status over this ten year data collection period [1].

Possibly of most importance was the finding of increased sweetened beverage intake over time. Those girls at the highest intake of sweetened beverages at the age of five had significantly higher intakes from age 7 to 15 compared to those drinking one serving of sweetened beverages a day or less. Consumption remained the same for those girls consuming one to two servings a day of sweetened beverages [1].

What to take away from this study is most certainly pushing water and low-calorie beverages with children. Habits and food preferences are instilled at a young age – don’t set your children up for a lifetime of weight struggles. Consider also the caffeine and sugar content of beverages as well, and how those contents can affect sleep, dental hygiene, attention span, and learning opportunities.

Did you drink soda as a kid? Juice? KoolAid? Whole milk after the age of 2? 

I think my mom did well with this, actually. We rarely drank soda, as it was not kept in the house. Dinner was typically milk (2% and later to skim), water, or Crystal Light. Possibly some juice, but it wasn't a staple from my recollection. 

Even programs such as WIC no longer support juice consumption for children and opt to provide access to the whole fruit, providing both the nutrients AND volume, thus increasing the satiety of the calories consumed.

Dinner tonight: 1/2 acorn squash with 1 1/2 Tbsp melted Smart Balance Light, 2 tsp Splenda Brown Sugar, 1/2 tsp turbinado, and 1/2 ounce pecans....mmmm!! Talk about fall comfort food! Mama N used to make these babies sans the healthy butter and reduced-calorie 
sugars...and way more pecans! She was trouble, that mama of mine!!!

P.S. It tastes WAY better than it looks!
P.P.S. My diet yesterday looked a lot like the day before so I am sparing myself and you from writing and reading it!

[1]. Thomas, Caroline. Kids’ Soft Drink Habits Predict Teenage Weight: Study. Vol. 90, No. 4, 935-942. October 12, 2009.

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