Monday, August 17, 2009

average update

i have a lot of time to write. lot of simplest thing to be shared. but there's a time, when i looked back at all these few years and who i am now, i realize that my life is too average. very ordinary. i'm grateful enough to be me, with those around me, but, i want more. i wanna learn more. do more, experience more, try more, well at least once in a life time. ahah... i get jealous with those who travelled a lot, study abroad, beautiful in the inside n outside, speak english a lot way better than me, and etc. ahah... but yar, for sure, in a positive way. i'm not envy with those who r super super rich, or super duper pretty, cuz, there just tooooo many beautiful and rich, wealthy ppl now days. so, i just look at the other side of life. the quality of life. uhuurm...

owh yar, well yesterday, i was waiting for my result like the whole day. but, hampeh la kan... result x keluar lg semlm. idk bout 2day or 2morrow yet. we'll b in4med later. but i've got my 6th sem schedule already. ahah...basically, all subjects - outdoor and and it's time to shoot, and shoot and shoot again. gaaa~ fasting month would b tiring then. ahah... ok, most of the class, straight from 9am-5pm. owh yeah~ owh yeah~ haha. so, team work is important for this sem. this time, i guess it's gonna be a video clip or perhaps a short drama? cett. yo yo o0 je. and, class will start by next week. sorry la, sy da lari blk kuching da~ ahah... owh yar, btw, kte semua puasa start 22nd august. abah told me. yup, da call istana~ kalo x btol, slhkan istana! haha.

and i guess i've to stop playing barn buddy la? yer laaa. nnt kene curik semua tanaman. haha. owh ye, dlu x skeee nak mencuri tanaman org lain. da geram slalu kene curik, curik la blk. haha. =P and fyi, my internet connection, here in this ground floor apartment, is... should i say, slow? no no no. slowest ever!!! yarrr!!! sgt3 slow. ya rabbi. owh, ble siang, sampai ptg ok. mlm la mmg suffering gle. imagine this. dr kul 8pm-12am dpn lappy, on9, baru log in blog / facebook je, then if click dkt any button lain, such as nak comment ke kan, mmg trus, 'page not available' bapakkk ah tension~! ni da start class, camne nak buat assignment? grrr... yar, i realize that happened cuz of our house location. if g tmpt lain yg signal bnyk, mmg ok je. and it worse ble baru lepas hujan. pernah je sbb da x larat try for few hours, ttp laptop n nangis sbb leteyh sgt~!!! T_T

last night, dpt jgk keluar rumah and and minum caramel cream~ starbuck. gleee suffer la lame x kuar umah. tp, caramel cream tu cam extra creamy la plak. x kesah la. and and, mkn skittt je skrng tp still badan naik. sbb x kuar umah la ni. buat keje umah pon cam x de pape pon. mop lantai, sapu umah, basuh kain, angkt kain, jemur kain, ambil air mineral bertong - tong, gi beli surat khabar, erm. bnyk jgkla. still same. gaaaaaa~~~ ble nak kurus ni? putus cinta dlu pon mkn same je. demam / sakit pon mkn same je. except time sakit telinga. mmg kurus ah. sakit seyh sakit telinga... btw. pengumuman rakan2 sekalian. maxis sy tuh da overlimit. maaf bebnyk kalo x reply msg / call cuz anytime je akan kene block. aiseyh~ every 2oth of the month, baru autobill tu gerak and ambil mase jgk. dlm 23/24 hb baru blh gune blk. camtu la slalunye~

tu je kot buat mase ni. tgh pk nak bagi 7 ekor kittens dkt srwk tu name ape. yerr, sbb hari tu x smpt bg name pon lg. haha. well let see, what bout Jojo, Bobo, Dodo, Coco, Popo, Soso, Yoyo? haha. ni namenye mls nak berpk pnjng2 dah. sekian XD

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