1st day of holiday! yes yes yes. finally. cettt... kuciwa jgk sebenarnye.
bebdk ipt lain semua da sem baru larh! org baru nak cuti plak...
skrng bebdk dr ovesea je ade bercuti jgk. tp majoriti jejauh meyh. uhuuu.
ape blh dkatekan ttg last paper audio, editing, mixing last wednesday?
ermmm... sshhhh amatttt sgtttt. serious. sampai terpk, camne kalo repeat?
n buat sesape yg leh score cara halal tu baguslah. good 4 u.
sape yg score care x halal tuh... pk2 la nnt. haih~ [berapiiii ...]
erm. semlm habis exam, lunch d mc d. mc value lunch weyh!!! jimat~ hee.
then, blk ptg, terusss main game sampai mlm. yer. sampai mlm.
tgk lola + kebun2 puas2 + sampai skt pinggang. ahah... erm. n semlm bnyk msg.
mlm da lain mcm je rase. leteyh semcm + bnyk bersin2... then.
da naik atas katil, but both maxis hp ditekan bergilir - gilir. reply msg.
i'm helping them. the girl, and the guy that i do really care.
act, those matter do affects me. think bout it almost all the time.
whatever it is b & a, think wisely, life goes on + plz b strong.
i do really care 4 both of u~! and hello~~~ i'm here. always~! =]
then 2day, i woke up erm...not so early-not so late. mandi2, siap2.
then bout 11am, gerak ambik salghee & again, we went to KLIA.
die nak blk tawau, sabah. so hantarkan... then. nak boarding n check in.
1st time weyh check in sendiri naik mas. kalo air asia biasela. cuz.
slalu dgn fmly je naik mas, so senanglah. then, td... cam terkial2 jgk la.
tp sume officer mas d counter, sume friendly2 lak. handsome2 lak tuh. hahaha
yer...salghee tegur sy blushing~ wahahah. obvious sgt gamaknye.
then settle down everything, masok sume kedai d airport. ahah... tahan je la.
tahan tgk chocssss + perfumessss + sumeee bnde pon cam best.
then bout 230pm, sampai umah. sleepy, amat. but x blh tdow. idk.
well... ramai jgk org da start tnye. nak buat ape cuti nih? erm.
cutiku x selame cuti kalian...dlm 3-4 weeks je. kot. soooo... nothing much.
- dgr lagu the fray + pink sampai jd apam... wahaha. semlm da try transfer sume lagu the fray n pink latest album dlm hp, 1st time plak memory card hp tuh nak full.
- nak habiskan sumeee english novel yg da beli berkepam tuh. haih~ remember buku six suspects yg khairi kasi bln march? plastic pon x bukak lg weyh!
- jmpeee lola + farm ville + barn buddy + sorority life. tp seriously, kene kurangkan addiction tuh. sbb asal duk umah je, jd mls nak buat bnde lain. parah tuh~!
- bln baik skrng nih... hurm. so. aqilah. cubeee la cuci hati + cuci diri + muhasabah diri benyk skittt. tahlah...kdg2 sedar buat salah, buat dose, but still... haih~
- since those few weeks cam sgt bz, so bilik cam sgt dusty. kene pakai topeng & buang sumeee habuk!!! kalo tak pakai topeng, mule la bersin je cam goofy da~
- and. tmbhkan ilmu... kekurangan pengetahuan am da rase. hua3...
- nak hang out with those yg masih ade + free
- nak blk srwk! nak nak nak!!!!!!! rnduuu gileeeeee... urghhh. nak jmpe 7 kittens tuh. x jmpe lg since die org d lahirkan. lgpon gg sakit... ={
- erm. tgklah camne... buatlah ape yg patot. ahah~
btw. hari tuh kan awal bln bnyk gle shopping on9 kan? sampai duit da x de.
so, 3 weeks after kene la jimat habis2 sbb ade skit je tinggal. i've bout 150. for 3 weeks.
imagine... hari tuh. dlm sehari org habiskan more than 150 camtuh je.
tp, org da berjaye jgk survive dgn 150 dlm 3 minggu nih! hahahahaha...
bangga habis weyh dgn diri sdiri! XD
and erm... nak bgtaw. bad habit jgk nih. baru jgkla. dlu x camnih...
tp, da lame kot camnih. da almost a year kot...
sy bkn jenis 24 hours dgn hp da. esp bile dkt umah / luar umah.
cammm... kalau dkt umah mmg slalu sgt3 sy silent hp, n letak merate.
so, mmg slalu la kan call x diangkt / sms x di reply. minta maaf awal2...
dulu. yer duluuuuu... sy mmg jenis 24j dgn hp. tp x da. kalo ade pon...
dgr lagu. seriously. no sy x kenal? lg haram la sy nak angkt call kan.
MALAS! harap maklum... so kalo sape2 gune no baru ke, sile bgtaw. haha.
kalo x...mmg sampai ble pon x dilayan. tp kdg2 angkt jgk. sbb takot ade emergency.
sorry btw 4 this, erm, bad attitude should i say. sorry again.
esok? erm. full suda rasenye. kot~ ahah...sabtu mama ajak g jln tar.
cam best. lame x gi. harap2 dpt la kawal nafsu shopping. amin~~~
btw. no1 fav song from faith hill - there u'll be
[the famous song from pearl harbor]
[the famous song from pearl harbor]
When I think back On these times
And the dreams We left behind
I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back On these days
I'll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams I'll always see you soar Above the sky
In my heart There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part Of you with me
And everywhere I am There you'll be
And everywhere I am There you'll be
Well you showed me How it feels
To feel the sky Within my reach
And I always Will remember all
The strength you Gave to me
Your love made me Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
'Cause I always saw in you My light, my strength
And I want to thank you Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always
And the dreams We left behind
I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back On these days
I'll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams I'll always see you soar Above the sky
In my heart There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part Of you with me
And everywhere I am There you'll be
And everywhere I am There you'll be
Well you showed me How it feels
To feel the sky Within my reach
And I always Will remember all
The strength you Gave to me
Your love made me Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
'Cause I always saw in you My light, my strength
And I want to thank you Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always
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