actually. i would like to post bout taman negara hari tu! but... i dont have the pictures yet. semuanya dlm DSLR falique & amad. later maybe. but there's so much to tell. anyway. hari ni. sakit lame dtg blk... yup. sakit telinga. ya Allah. it hurts so much. to be compared with sakit tekak, sakit mata, sakit hidung, dan sewaktu dgnnya. sakit telinga la bg sy, plg sakit. dulu da pernah kena time form 4 / form 5. sampai pergi emergency ward at 3 am. and dpt pain killer paling kuat. yg kene melalui suntikan. and jmpe ears specialist the next day.
i do realize i'm kinda have this kind of sensitive part. ears. eyes. nose. throat. yup. since i was a baby. i know i can't escape from that. erm... no worries. a lot of medicine n supplement n treatment, but sometimes. i'm just too lazy 4 that. still remember when i was 16. out of sudden. i feel the pain. but...idk if it would be so bad. i cant sleep the whole night. and, crying at 4am. cuz it just,hurts so bad. i called afiq and he told my mum n dad. at 1st, we went to 24hours clinic. but the Dr told me, if it still hurts within 24 hours, do come again. and yet. i went to the same clinic 24 hours later. and the Dr wrote a letter and asked me. to bring it to HUKM. well that's the nearest from Sg Besi. and i've got the treatment thingy. and finally. i can sleep 4 a while. after. few days of pain. and and. fever as well.
and yet. i can hear nothing. i did hear. just a lil bit. it's like when i'm here ppl talking while i was swimming in the pool. and, can't eat. that was about a few weeks. huwaaaa... seriously. its painful! i mean, extra ++ sooo ++ very bery painful. hurt. until i cant sleep. imagine, it hurts too when i lay my head on the pillow. and now. i do feel the same thing. just, on the right side. but it hurts!!! uhhhh. okay. it will b just fine. yes it will. i've went to the clinic at 9am and took all the medicine. insya allah. i'll get well soon.
dannn... abah dah balik kl! yeayyy!!! baru td sampai umah at 2pm. lunch with fmly. and we decided to go back to Kelantan. balik kampung~~~ yes yes. abah org Kelantan. which part of Kelantan? Machang + Salor + KB + and the chinese part in K. Krai. it's been a while since we last balik kmpng. last dlu...rasenye celebrated Chinese new year. the last time we celebrated Hari Raya there? more than 2 years ago... since we moved to Kuching, mmg lame kot x blk kmpg esp belah abah. excited jgk. but act blk kmpng sbb tok ma [grandma] x bape sehat. n da lame x blk. bkn senang abah nak dpt cuti. sooo... maw blk la!
even dgn sakit telinga ni. away 4 a few days. thursday-saturday. will be back on sunday. sbb nak tgk kwn kawin! kawan kesygan sy, ex-hsmate d kolej dah nak kawin. 6th june - nikah. 7th june - sanding. owhhh... ni gmbr time die bertunang dulu. ---> click cik wahidah dah nak kawin! owh3... harap sgt telinga ni cpt sembuh, supaya dpt la gembira skit blk kmpng. bkn selalu. and nak jmpe kwn2 lg nnt ahad tuh... excited. okay. till then. take care. =]
p/s: blog ni da public semula 4 certain reason. later? idk yet.
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