Wednesday, April 29, 2009

birthday abah

i'm running out of time. thats 4 sure. 2 little time. 2 many things to settle down. hurm...

owh yar. currently, my blog = private. there's only a limited no of 35-45 ppl reading this right now. feel better, safer, warmer. haha. dunno. getting close to u guys n myself as well.
and these few days, i'm not ok. yes, seriously i'm not. but still. i can keep it 2 myself.
but lately, haih~ my bad habit da dtg blk... nangis3. whuuuu~~~ ok. full stop.
it's 12:36pm. and my class will start at 4:30pm 2day, until i dunno...10pm maybe? aiyooo.
thursday - laziest, tiring day of da week. wawawa... i love holiday! errr...50-50. ok. crap!

abah birthday - 29th april 2009
nothing much happened. actually. mama nak buat surprise utk abah. abah pun nak buat surprise utk mama. elok la tuh. cuz in d end, due2 x dpt buat surprise. LOL! haha. semuanya drama semata - mata. mama dah plan dgn anak buah abah d srwk, Jamal, utk buat surprise. bday abah, should b abah dkt srwk. x dpt blk kl. so mama dah pesan dkt Jamal, tlg beli cake n buat jamuan kecil. but then, few days ago, last sunday, Jamal bgtaw mama, abah akan ke kl from 28th april - 30th april. ade meeting on 29th april. but abah, x inform lngsg dkt kte org. kononnye nak buat surprise la tuh blk kl. tp abah tataw, kami da taw awal2 sbb Jamal da in4m. haha. so, at 1st flight abah, abah akan sampai KLIA about 11pm 28th april. and by that time, abah akan sampai rumah dlm tepat 12am 29th april. so kte org ingt nak la die sampai2, konon2 nak buat surprise, kte org yg akan siapkan cake gelap2 dlm rumah. biar abah cuak tgk x de org... mcm tu la plan asalnye.

but then. Jamal in4m lg. flight abah 4:05pm dr kuching. so sampai kl, almost 6pm. then gerak dr klia ape sume lg, should be sampai setiawngsa nih dlm 7pm... so. by 7pm, mama x sampai rumah lg. mama slalu sampai dlm 7:30pm since traffic jam, etc. so, abah n mama same2 la x leh buat surprise. abah sbb kte org da taw plan die nak dtg, tp kte org pura2 tataw. mama plak, x dpt nak buat surprise utk abah sbb abah sampai time die x sampai umah lg. begitulah perangkaan masa yg dibuat oleh sy n mama. but then. mmg lain jdnya. hee... mama sampai rumah dlm 7:30pm 28 april, both of us da muka masam sbb abah x sampai2. and maybe, abah x jd dtg kot...

but then. dgr bunyi enjin kereta dr luar rumah. tgk. x de. taxi kot? pastu hp mama berbunyi. abah call tanye kat mane... mama ckp la dkt umah la. then. sy pon intai2 dr sliding door. tgk ade beg2 abah. terus sy lari msk bilik mama, n ckp. mama! mama! abah ade dkt luar la tuh! ade beg dkt luar tuh! terus sy kuar rumah. cari abah yg nyorok. skali cakkkk. abah muncul! dgn 3 kuntum bunga ros utk mama! hahahahahaha... sy terus peluk abah. owh3... penat tnggu. lgpon kene la buat2 tataw abah nak buat surprise. seriously, muka abah sgt excited sbb dpt buat surprise dkt kte org. even...sampai skrng abah tataw mama n sy, da taw die akan pulang ke kl. kami buat2 la terkejut. sbb tammo die frust. hee. abah da dlm flight blk ke srwk pon skrg nih. =P

nothing much. we had dinner 2gether. then went to carre4 wngsa maju, mama belikan new nokia phone utk abah as a present. and, time kuar mlm tuh, abah da pakai hadiah sy. sy kasi tshirt golf adidas. which cost, almost 1/3 of my pocket money for MAY. grrr...may pon baru nak start esok. sy sedang mengalami krisis ekonomi yg ketara. wawawa~~~ 1 of my biggest prob rite now. eheh. tu je abah pnye bday. and sharp 12am 29th april, mama n sy kasi bday card. and nyanyi2 dpn abah. haha. nothing much kan? but. spend mase bersame itu da sgt bererti more than anything else.

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