Saturday, January 31, 2009
rumusan comment ttg julia
emma tomei
"laki mcm nie harus dikasi pelajaran...better tinggal kn aje... wlpn die syg.... tak kmane pon ngan laki mcm tu. ko nasihat kwn ko tuh better tinggl laki cm tuh!!! tp jng troskan perhubungan dgn jantan tu.... pcya la..."
my A:
emma. dah bnyk kali suruh die tngglkan laki tuh. tp. tah. die just. diam n "hmmm" bile suruh buat seperti itu. katenye... "mcm mane kalau die betol2 syg just mmg perangai die mcm tu?"
fatin suhana
"masalahnye.. he's not even her bf..mmg bergantung ta bertali. anytime dea blh tinggalkan 'julia' tuh. i'm serious babe.laki begitu harus diajar. n 'julia' should know bout it."
my A:
fatin. mmg, tiade pape hub pun mereka. hurm... alasan buaye ituh "couple pun putus jgk". huhu. julia sedar semua tuh. tp die mcm x buat pape...
ili nadiah
"laki tu 1 hal and julia pun 1. kalau julia tau dia buat silap bila bagi pegang tgn, knp bagi lagi? lu nk suh buaye berubah xperlu kot dia nak korbankan sume. just leave that guy. patutnye awal2 lagi julia tinggalkan. nak salahkan lelaki lebih2 xblh jgk. cause in the end, prmpn jugak biarkan."
my A:
ttg pgng tgn, julia sendiri tataw nape die biar. hurm... thats what she told me. yup, i've told julia 2 leave him earlier, but she still hopes someday somehow he'll changes.
"kdg2 dlm hidup ni,kita xkan dpt ubah kenyataan. kita dah berusaha nasihatkan dia. tp smua tu sbnrnya b'gantung pd diri dia sndiri. kdg2 bila pmpuan dah syg lelaki mereka akan syg btl2, sanggup wat apa sja & berubah m'jd apa sja demi lelaki tu. cuma beza nya, lelaki itu yg layak utk di sayangi atau pn x. 'julia' maybe tau yg that guy tu bkn the right 1 tuk dia tp still harap lelaki tu berubah 1 hari nnt. sbb.. THE POWER OF LOVE !"
my A:
yup. sbb die percaye dkt buaye tuh... sbb tuh die still berharap buaye itu berubah. haih~
rule by green a.k.a man
"julia neh myb dah terkena sbb jarang ada yg sggp lepaskan ngn pegangan msing2. next reason myb lumrah pelajar pndai. pndai ble blajar,tp bodoh bila knl ngn some1 yg bagi dia bagus. bila gurl ada penyakit neh mmg payah nak ubat. sngp lps pegangan dia. ubat die,,biar la die terkena..ubat len,gtau je family dia.bg aku,soh julia neh xcontact buaya tuh,tgk respon dia camne. kdg2 laki neh hny nk amek kesempatan je. xpon die mmg tanak kat pempuan tuh. thats y dia wt perangai. pmpuan pon kna pk gak. pape pon,,klu pndai memanipulasi si julia ni, siyes julia ley selamat."
my A:
julia sendiri pernah tanye, "jgn2 kene buatan org da kte ni kan?" huu... tataw la camne nak taw die da kene buatan ke x. x reti nak tgk. huhu. bgtaw fmly die? uishhh. takot eh. ayah die pernah ckp kot, "ayah bunuh anak ayah kalau ade yg berzina, maksiat dll". pdhal ayah die baik gileee. tp ayah die x sanggup nak tgk anak die buat perkare x elok tuh. hurm... julia pernah x contact buaye nih. tp die still. plg kurang akan wish good nite tiap2 mlm kat buaye tuh.
fatin afiqah a.k.a iqah
"tuh bkn syg nmenya. tuh juz nk lpskn nfsu && gnekn pmpuan. rsenya 'julia' tuh dh kne pukau ke apa smpai tak snggup tingglkn && sygkn laki tuh even laki tuh dh wt mcm2 kt dia. laki yg sbtl2nya laki takkan mntk pmpuan tpupkn dia la. klu dia serius, mst dia dh lme cple && jge 'julia' baik sbb nk jdkn 'julia' istri dia sa2 mse nnt. klu ye pn dh wt ngn 'julia' tuh, take a respOnsibility la weyh! buaya tuh kne brtnggungjwab ngn apa yg dia dh wt !!!hOpefully 'julia' tak prgnant.amin !!!klu 'julia' prgnant cmne ngn life dia nnt?"
my A:
tuh lah. qila pon rase die buat si julia tuh cam patong ske2 hati die je. huhu... ade gak terpk julia tuh da kene pukau tp x de bukti. tuh la kan iqah, if die betul2 serius, die mesti sanggup kasi komitmen. haih~ yup, hope die x pregnant. kalo julia pregnant? die ade ckp... terpakse gugur kot. even die sdeyh. sbb die x sanggup nak jd pembunuh kpd anak sendiri. waaaaaaa...sedeyh!
"suh just julia tggl je dat guy. the problems now is julia..julia yg tanak tgglkan die kan? u da suh die byk kali kn tgglkan die? everything on her decission..btol gak bile org yg da terlampau pandai sgt..kdg2 bile time camni. die tataw nk wat cane bile dah btol2 syg n cinta kt sum1 tu.. dorunk da tataw nk bezakan yg mane btol or yg mane x. ade kemungkinan gak die terkena buatan dat buaye keparat! so, bwk julia ni berubat.."
my A:
huhu. yup. da suruh die tngglkan bnyk kali. tp julia ckp die masih blh tahan. tp tah sampai bile??? huu. tu larh. maybe kene buatan kot?
rizal 1
"Laki cmnih ko passing kt aku, biar aku bunuh truz...Agax sial lar kn disitu,even aku pn laki gak.
pompuan klo suka kt satu laki nih,smpai mati x cari lain. Klo ada pn susah nk lupa. Julia plak, naper bley cair cm kna pukau. Power sgt ayat mamat tuh? Nmpk sgt mamat tuh nk layan nafsu jewk. kem salam kt member ko Julia tuh. Ckp, nk couple biar smpai kawen klo x sia2 jerk wat macam2 tp xder hasil..Klo nk declare pn refuse,mmg x kemana. Klo ko jumpa laki tuhkem salam maut kat dia!"
my A:
ko nak bunuh? huu. masuk penjare 1 hal plak. huhu... hurm. julia nih mmg jenis setia. yup, tu laaa. de gak terpk julia kene pukau. hurm... mmg power kot ayat buaye tuh? kate dulu playboy~~~ dulu la sgt. kim salam? wahaha. insya allah. aku jmpe buaye tuh? takot x smpat nak krim slm dkt die, kaki aku naik ke pale die dulu. huu.
"pompuan tuh mmg da sumthing wrong n siyesly xmatang langsong. sbb die xpk btol2. mungkin die terlalu barhati lembut kowt. laki tayah ckp ah, blambak laki camtuh kat luar."
my A:
dear. die tuh agak matang kot dlm buat keputusan. tataw nape dgn buaye nih julia follow je... hurm. owh yer, mmg julia nih lembut hati n cpt caye dkt org skit.
azwan bakhtiar
"takut gak kalau dia ni terkena buatan orang. memang laki zaman sekarang ni payah nak percaya. kita kena cari penyelesaian. mak bapak dia dah tau pasal ni belum? kalau boleh cuba la bagitau kat depa tu. cerita elok². kang tak pasal julia tu kena bunuh. bila sampai tahap macam ni. mak bapak memang kena campur tangan. kalau kita nasihat pon macam susah ja julia nak terima. sebab dia dah bagi semua. kita nampak yang dia memang dah letak semua kat laki tu. maknanya dia memang dah percaya habis. yakin. setia. siapalah kita nak suruh dia putus macam tu ja."
my A:
huu. ramai da syak die kene buatan org nih. huu... parents die tataw pape. aku x berani nak bgtaw parents die! julia sdiri pon tanak bgtaw. hurm... yup, julia mmg caye sgt3 dkt buaye tu da.
miss nora
"da prob is julia tuh. semo bergantung pd dye macamne nak berubah, macamne nak tinggal. camne nak lupekan buaya tuh. SEMUA PADA DIA. penat2 kite nasihat pon,tp disebabkan POWER OF LOVE..semo xjadi ape.. "
my A:
huu. nora...entah. julia dgr nasihat. cuma die tataw mcm mane nak tinggal. everytime die jmpe buaye tuh, lidah die kelu nak ckp ttg segala bnda yg mungkin akan timbulkan pergaduhan, ape tah lg perpisahan.
ainaa amira
" julia: supposedly die dah jage2. ramai warning die dah. sayang itu ade bts. lg2 xde ade pape relation pon. tp skrg mnde tu da jd. xboleh nak ckp pape. bg die smgt utk tros trg dgn parents die. IF die pregnant, xkn tmbulkn mslh lebih besar. kalo die syp2 je, lg susah nak handle. die dgn family...ok? buaye: nk slhkn die tp actually x ley jugak. coz julia yg xnk tgglkn die. this guy mmg trok. haih~ to be open.julia actually sgt naive. and dat guy sgt expert pulak. any news dr die...update kn eh? hmm. crite die quite interesting n harus di beri perhatian."
my A:
org yg warning julia tuh sume org yg die x kenal, sbb tu die x bape nak caye. julia sgt okay dgn fmly die... huu. tp takot kot nak terus terang ngan fmly, esp ayah die pernah pesan ttg maksiat, zina dll nih. [rujuk d atas]. yup, maybe julia sgt naive sbb terlalu syg... wokeyh ainaa. ku akan meng-update kesah julia ini. =]
saye a.k.a nadia 1
"mungkin la lau die dh gune minyak dagu oleh buaye tu. ni yg terjadi bile kite tgglkan agama. nk salahkan sape. mmg org tgh mabuk cinta mmg x kan sedar. even lepas ni..if dat buaye tu tibe2 berubah..nk betol2 kat die..aku nasihatkan x yah...plzz xyah..tp julia mesti nk kan...just pk..lau die dh buat mcm tu kat julia b4 kawen..mesti die x segan2 nk buat kat pompuan laen..even mase tu die dah kawen pn..ape bezanya kan?"
my A:
huk3. minyak dagu? aiyoo...ngeri~ julia tingglkan agame? dulu tdk. mungkin skrng ye. hurm... tu larh. da pernah tanye julia, if buaye tu btol2 berubah nak lg ke dgn buaye? die ckp ye. biarlah buaye tuh lelaki pertame n terkahir yg sentuh die. walaupun kdng2 die taw buaye tuh bukan lelaki terbaik yg tercipta utk die.
akid 1
"Hey Julia,Kalo kamu bace nih. aku xtau sape yg harus dipersalahkan. Laki macam tu sex adalah mission utama dia dan mission dia da accomplished! aku xtau kalo kamu dipukau oleh buaya tu..tapi ada logiknya disini kan?! kalo sebelum ini kamu berpegang pada prinsip2 kamu dan kenapa sekarang prinsip yang kamu pegang tu lebur macam tu je? kdg2 first empression pon kita da bole agak kan?! tak wajar sewenang2nya kamu beri segala2nya kat laki dan bila laki tu tak beri seperti apa yang kamu beri atau yang kamu perlukan akhirnya diri sendiri yang merana kan?! tak perlu korbankan ape2 lgsg untuk laki..kamu perlu ada ego kamu! laki yang patut korbankan untuk kekasih yang dicintai,itu sebaik2 laki.. bukan kata perempuan tak perlu tapi berpada! biar pon dalam perhubungan tolak ansur itu penting! tapi kalo dalam keadaan yang melibatkan maruah dan harga diri,itu da sgt tak boleh bertolak ansur. tapi tolak ansur pon ada batasan nye kan?! kamu kena pandai pilih kawan. biar cinta itu buta tapi hati kita tak buta,perasaan itu rasa ,tapi biar ia enak dinikmati-biar ia membahagiakan hati dan jiwa kamu..itu yang dipanggil sebenar cinta. Tinggalkan buaya itu dengan hidup dia,sekarang! Mula hidup baru,cari kembali prinsip2 kamu pegang dulu. kalaupon muka si buaya tu kamu sangat2 admire dan tak lekang senyum menatapnye,tapi bacalah hati dia! itu manusia bertopeng syaitan! lupakan dia! lupakan perasaan kamu pada dia! balik pada kamu yang asal! Hidup memang telah ditakdirkan,tapi kita sendiri boleh mengacu dan mengubah takdir itu sendiri..guna hati yang diberi...buaya tu tak layak dapat sayang dari kamu! Kamu tahu,laki yang bodoh saje yang mengucapkan sayang tapi dalam hal yang lain dia tak beri ape2 selayak yang kamu harus dapat! Kamu harus sedar! laki macam tu memang dahagakan bendawi kamu saja bukan hati dan perasaan kamu..kalaupon kamu takut melukakan perasaan buaya bodoh tu,at least fikirkan la perasaan mereka disekeliling kamu,perasaan mereka yang sangat2 mengambil berat ttg kamu,yang mahu kamu yang dulu kembali! kamu harus sedar! takkan selamanya kamu mahu hidup sebegini,hidup dalam kepuraan yang takkan pernah berpenghujung..."
my A:
sejak dr kenal buaye nih julia dah taw buaye ni player. tu larh, mcm kena pukau je minah ni. huhu... ya, julia sanggup lepaskan ego utk pastikan hub die dgn org yg die syg sentiase slmt. julia mmg agak ssh nak lepaskan buaye ni. tp bile d tanye kenape, die pon tiade jwpn yg pasti.
azwan 2
"kita perlukan penyelesaian bukan simpati"
my A:
yesss, tepat sekali. huu...tp kene simpati jgk la dkt julia nih. =[
rizal 2
"penyelesaian-nya adalah kawen...Bkn nk tutop malu, tapi ZINA tuh dosa besar. parent 2-2 belah kna taw benda nih. Gila happy laki tuh, dh men anak org suro dia tanggung la. Dh ada sebakul Dosa Besar jgn tambah lagi satu Bakul iaitu MEMBUNUH... Maksud disini adalah penguguran anak..."
my A:
kawen? suh julia kawin dgn buaye? mmg itu yg julia nak, tp julia sdiri rase buaye bkn lelaki yg terbaik utk die. kalau kawin, aku rase, julia lg tersiksa selagi buaye tu x berubah sikap. pengguguran? julia kate itu yg mungkin die akan buat sbb die terpakse...
saye a.k.a nadia 2
"cik rizal...sy x rase kawen penyelesaiannye..awk nak cik julia tu kawen ngn dat buaya..??oh no...nk kawen ngn org x hormat die sbgi perempuan?? kite yg msih sedar ni kne bimbing julia. just bg die celik je."
my A:
hurm. setuju...x nak buaye tu kawin dgn julia selagi buaye tuh x betol2 berubah. dah dpt predict jantan tuh x kan dpt bahgiekan die kelak.
"about 'julia'. tak guna if kita mengamuk maki lelaki tu pun. benda dah jadi. the thing we can do for her is just, comfort her and make her feel better. make her realize that jantan tu mmg useless! cinta itu buta. as readers, myb kita blh maki hamun semua, tp try to put urself in her situation. when u really in love with a guy, sometimes u'll be out of ur mind. she actually try to make that guy realize how much she loves him but somehow she made it wrong way. dia dipergunakan oleh nafsu lelaki."
my A:
yup, bnde dah jadi. hurm... julia buta sudah. tp x bahgie mane pon die bute. huu. yup, dat guy x pernah appreciate pon sume yg die buat.
rizal 3
"Cik 'saye' oitz....=p Xkan dia xnak kawen seumor hidup kotz? Ko rase cm maner dia nk start new life coz dh rosak abez sebab laki tuh..."
my A:
aiyoo rizal. aku pon kalo blh x nak julia kawin dgn buaye tuh. biar die kawen dgn seseorg yg terbaik utk die... tp tu larh. julia pon de ckp, if die x kawin dgn buaye pon, ade lg ke lelaki yg baik dkt luar tuh yg sanggup berkawin dgn die...
akid 2
"btol tu 'cik saye'. jalan penyelesaian nye tak semestinye berkawen. ryzal: hidup ni tak semsetinya kena kawen. takkan la nak soh julia tu kawen ngan si bodoh tu. kalo ko pon da men ngan anak dara orang padahal ko tak pernah suka pon ,mesti ko tak kawen nye..kalo kawen pon sebab terpaksa. huish,parah wooo kalo soh dia kawen ngan orang yang tak memberi ape2 lgsg even kasih syg kat die...kang ape yang julia tu dapat?! sepak terajang,maki hamun,corak iron kat tubuh badan,lebam2 kat muka...yang laki tu tau dia kawen sebab dia le men sex je. kalo julia tu,da terang2 la dia nak,sebab dia suka laki tu..tapi laki tu?!no!no! I dont think so..mmg la takkan laki tu nak tanggung dosa membunuh lak, ko ingat dia kisah ke kalo si julia tu ngandong...cuak2 tu maybe la ada sket kan. sudah,berdebat lak kita kat sni..padahal si Qila ni mintak opinion jer..hangat neh..le masuk Parlimen"
"ouh lagi nak tambah. kan ada pusat perlindungan untuk golongan seperti2 ini mulakan hidup baru...bace la Metro Ahad selalu byk pendedahan pasal neh. wkakaka-xsal2 promote metro!Qila,aku duta Metro..hahaha lol"
my A:
betol. selalunye jantan buaye mcm nih, x kan mengaku die yg bersalah. n takkan nak kawin pnye keculai terpakse. pusat perlindungan? kesian dkt julia...aku x nak die gi sane. huu... ye akid. da jd parlimen. whee~ hahaha. duta metro? metrojaya? =P
syed danial
"kedua-duanya terlalu mengikut hawa nafsu sendiri. Saya tidak mahu menyalahkan sesiapa kerana tuduh menuduh akhirnya akan ke menuju ke jalan buntu juga."
my A:
hurm. yer, mungkin dua-dua terlalu ikut hawa nafsu.
ainaa 2
"cik rizal. i thnk cik 'saye' mksdkn..bkn x kawen seumur hidup. but tak kawen with that guy. mesti ade jln lain. mustahil x ade lelaki yg x trime girl yg dah tak suci ok. ade lelaki yg ade pertimbangan. everybody deserves second chance. :)"
my A:
yup, rasenye buaye x layak langsung utk julia... harapnya masih ade lg lelaki yg melihat dgn mata hati, bukan mata kasar.
babylove a.k.a fatin
"sbnrnye sme t'plg kt diri org tuh..die da grown up n supposed to b die da ley menilai bek n buruk..sekalipn smpi syg jgn la t'lalu "bodoh" ikut kehendak lelaki ituh.kte yg tentukn idup kte bkn org len..klu ni yg die plh kte xley nk wtpe. laki tu pn xptt wt ur fren cm tuh. nmpk sgt die juz nk lyn "nafsu serakah" die....n 4 dat gurl...bg ak ni pn slh die..kte de tuhan..klu die btol2 pgg agama die, die xkn buat"
my A:
hurm. yup, julia terlalu bodoh dan buta. lelaki tu, entahlah. muka nmpk innocent tp, layan julia mcm ape. julia mmg jenis berpegang pd agama, tp sejak dgn buaye ni, die sendiri tataw nape jd mcm ni.
"em.. awk.. awk kne tlg die tgglkn boy tue.. tlgla..kalo x.. sy rase akan lebey trok ag.."
my A:
awk. sy mmg selalu doa n harap julia akan tngglkan buaye nih...
last comment so far, yg ke-29, from rizal.
yup. dlm situasi ni, kene cool~ haha.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Messe Matsuyama 2009
Hari ini ikutan acara messe matsuyama yang diaadakan di aiteem ehime. Acaranya tentang persahabatan antara sacramento city-amerika, furaiburk city-jerman, pyonteku city-korea and matsuyama city-japan.
Acaranya perkenalan kota kota tersebut n barang barang tradisional mereka, ada jualan wine, kimchi, ramen,beer,teh, baju, makanan, aseksori dll..
Selain itu ada pameran eco, seperti mobil yang pake tenaga matahari, recycle kertas jadi tisue ato kartu pos, ada ruangan yang isinya tentang lingkungan, gimana cara melindungi bumi dari sampah n polusi...banyak lagi.
Acara yg disukai anak2 yaitu game corner. Mei paling suka bikin sesuatu, so disitu, ada diajarin bkin baling2 kazaguruma dari kertas, mewarnai, main main dengan bola kayu, ada guru yg ajak main main n bercerita...banyak lagi...
Dont Forget to Vote
Alpha males take a break
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my friend Kenyon Phillips over dinner at Dhaba. Kenyon is my only vegetarian friend with whom I will eat dinner, an indication of just what good company he is.
While munching on lasoni gobi, a stir-fried cauliflower dish that’s part of India’s distinctive Chinese cuisine (every country has its own Chinese cuisine, as immigrants from China have adapted to local tastes), as well as a variation of palak paneer, plus a lamb stew for me, we were talking about human beings’ natural desire to be liked.
“It’s a survival instinct,” he said, which of course it is.
A common theory among biologists is that young mammals are cute — with disproportionately large heads and big eyes — so that their parents will take care of them rather than eating them or selling them into slavery.
Even as cute as babies and puppies and bear cubs are, it doesn’t always work. Just imagine what would happen if we looked like caterpillars.
I think being likeable is also a tactic of non-dominant beta males. If we can’t beat people up to get our way, we can try to cajole them into it, and that works a lot better if people like you.
These days, as the economic winds blow ever-colder, I’ve found that I’m getting nicer. I’ve always been kind of a yes-man in the office, but these days, I feel like I’m being even cheerier, more accommodating, kinder to publicists, more fun at parties.
I think my colleagues are getting nicer, too.
I think we’re responding to these dark times by turning up the volume on our survival tactics.
Not too long ago I read about a troop of baboons whose alpha males, being the aggressive creatures that alpha males are, forced their way onto a garbage heap, ate tainted food and died. All of them.
With only betas left, that baboon troop behaved the way betas usually do. They worked collaboratively and helped each other out, in stark contrast to most baboon troops, which work pretty much like dictatorships.
When new would-be alphas came along and behaved like they were in charge, they were rebuffed and shunned until they learned to play nicely.
I wonder if that’s going to be going on here in the United States, where our alpha males didn’t die from food poisoning, but a lot of their companies died from toxic debt, and a lot of them lost their jobs, because firing a high-ranking alpha saves you a lot more money than letting go of a measly beta.
I wonder what kinds of effects that will have on corporate culture.
Of course, if you’re not careful when making your staff cuts, you run the risk of losing valuable corporate memory, and I was reminded of that at a book party I went to just before I met Kenyon for dinner.
The book is Dirty Dishes: A restaurateur’s story of passion, pain, and pasta by Pino Luongo and Andrew Friedman.
Florence Fabricant, who writes a column both for The New York Times and Nation’s Restaurant News, was at the party, too, and during all the speeches she pointed out Pino Luongo’s unique qualities as a cookbook writer, including the fact that he doesn’t include measurements in his recipes.
I like that, because I’ve always thought that recipes gave cooks a false sense of security. A list of ingredients and instructions on what to do with them is no substitute for knowing how to cook. It’s like any art form. Imagine getting a recipe for how to paint a picture of a tree, or how to write a song.
Don’t get me wrong, recipes are useful, but they’re not all you need, and I think encouraging people to cook creatively, and to taste the food, by not telling them exactly how much of something to use, helps them to become better cooks.
And you need someone who has been around for as long as Florence has to explain that that’s what Pino Luongo has always done.
I was also reminded of the need for a corporate memory by my cousin Leonard Kamsler, a freelance photographer specializing in instructional golf pictures who for several decades now has done work for Golf Digest. I had dinner with him, his partner Stephen Lyles and Stephen’s mother, Pete (yes, Pete, just let it go). While I ate Stephen’s delicious garlicky tilapia and Pete’s equally yummy rice dish, a sort of pilaf, but with a lot of spinach mixed in (trust me, it was a lot better than I just made it sound), Leonard reflected on John Updike, who had just died. He remembered that Golf Digest had sent Updike to the Masters tournament one year and had him write a thought piece about it. Leonard was pretty sure that no one currently on staff at Golf Digest would have any idea that Updike had ever written for them, and so they wouldn’t know to track down the article and maybe run it again in tribute to him.
He said he’d give them a call.
It’s the food, stupid
Time for a new poll.
For the last one, I asked you to give the main reason you pick the restaurants you choose to eat in.
One guy responded via my Twitter account with a whole list, presumably ranked in order of importance: Location, taste, price, value, staff, cleanliness. But of the 21 of you who responded on the blog, 57 percent said you went to restaurants because you like the food. Nineteen percent of you helped justify the adage that the three most important things a restaurant needs to succeed are location, location and location.
Here, for the record, is the full list of responses to the question: "When choosing a restaurant, what is usually the most important factor?"
Location: 4 (19%)
Whether I like the food: 12 (57%)
The amount of time I’ll have to spend there: 0 (0%)
Quality of service: 1 (4%)
Whether I know the owners or people who work there: 3 (14%)
Price: 0 (0%)
Ambience: 0 (0%)
Coupons or other promotions: 0 (0%)
I go where my dining companions want to go: 0 (0%)
Other: 1 (4%)
You’ll notice that 14 percent of respondents said they choose a restaurant based on whether they know the owners or people who work there, an indication that many Food Writer's Diary readers are industry insiders.
And that leads to our next question, about this blog’s parent, Nation’s Restaurant News, the paper of record of the foodservice industry.
It’s really a three-part question: Do you read NRN? Do you read it in print or online? Do you read it at work or at home?
Answer as much of it as you like. Click away. Go crazy. Feel free to comment below if you feel like elaborating.
And thank you for your time.
Friday Nibbles - Onions
Onions are one of the oldest vegetables known to mankind. They have always been easy to grow, able to flourish in a myriad of climatic conditions, keep well and are easily transported, a property that made them important to ancient cultures.
They are, along with garlic, leeks, ramsoms (wild garlic), part of the allium family and were probably first cultivated by the Egyptians who worshipped the onion as a symbol of eternal life.
Now the majority are grown in China and India, although the capacity of the onion to grow in so many varied climates means that many nations don’t have to import them, instead growing their own and storing them once the season is over.
Although there are countless recipes that include onions, very few exist that put them on a pedestal all of their own. One notable exception, of course, is the nectar that is French onion soup (method to follow). Instead, onions tend to form an integral aspect of recipes and as such much be prepared, a task many cooks find frustrating.
Chopping onions the right way is one of those tricks that, once you learn, you’ll never use any other method. It is very simple and uses the root end to hold the vegetable together whilst you chop it from the top end (if you already know all this then feel free to skip forward).
The first step is to slice off the top half centimetre so that you end up with a flat end which you can put face down on the chopping board. Once you have done that slice the onion in half and remove the skin.
Next lay the onion down on its largest exposed flat surface so you have a hemisphere facing up towards you. Using a (sharp) knife make a series of cuts down its back all the way through, being careful not to cut through the root end which will continue to hold it all together. Finally, start cutting perpendicular to these and tiny little pieces of onion should start to fall away.
Depending on what you are cooking, these can be large chunks or miniscule pieces that will almost dissolve if they are cooked slowly in oil. If you wish to make slices, as opposed to dice, then dispense with the first step and just cut across the onion after you have skinned it.
Cooking onions, too, can present some problems, with many people trying to hurry the process and ending up with burnt, acrid tasting slices as opposed to sweet and fragrant. Many recipes call for onions to be ‘sweated’. This should be done over a gentle heat in a little oil and normally takes 10-15 minutes with occasional stirring. Once they have reached this stage – soft and vaguely translucent – they can then be’ browned’ by a further 5-10 minutes cooking. This will give you a sweetness thanks to the caramelisation of the naturally occurring sugars (a process known as ‘Maillard reactions’).
So, onto something more fun – French onion soup is a bona fide classic and one that is near impossible to screw up. It is warming, hearty and makes a delicious lunch or a first rate starter if you are having more than one course. It is the sort of food that you serve to people you really like – casual, no tablecloths necessary and many bottles of vin de table from Burgundy.
Naturally, there are variations to this dish which can elevate it to heights you never thought possible – bacon, red wine, rich beef stock, herbs – but sometimes a quick fix is all you need which is exactly what this method is. Should serve two, avec du pain, naturellement.
Thinly slice four or five onions and sweat them in fat (butter, oil, goose fat – whatever you have to hand. I used chicken fat today from a bird we roasted at the weekend) for 15-20 minutes. Crank up the heat and start to brown them. You should end up with some delicious crusty brown stuff clinging to the bottom of the pan. This is the fond and is most excellent.
Once they have been nicely browned (and this is the bit that will probably make a Frenchman raise his hands, scream ‘sacre bleu’ and weep into his beret) add about two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Not the good stuff, obviously. It will darken the soup and add a wonderful sweet acidity. Using a wooden spoon scrape the fond from the bottom of the pan and stir it into the onions.
Next pour in the stock (about 500ml), turn down the heat, stir and leave for another ten minutes. If you don’t make your own, stock cubes are ideal (chicken or beef will yield the best results. I don’t know about vegetable) for this and give results as good as anything I’ve done with homemade stock.
Whilst it is bubbling away and filling your kitchen with smells to make your stomach gurgle in anticipation, dry out a piece of bread in the oven. Good crusty bread is the best, day old baguette if you have it.
Pour the soup into a bowl, top with the bread and layer on a healthy slice of cheese (traditionally Gruyere but I think tradition went out of the window with the balsamic vinegar so anything melty will do), pop it under the grill until the cheese starts to brown and bubble.
Eat. Sigh a happy sigh and realise just how good the world is when you can make food like this for mere pence.
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Asian Chicken on Homemade bread.
(Something very similar in Korea is Tak Kangjong)
So my version is very simple.
Chicken, Soy sauce ,garlic , ginger and honey.
I cooked in a little oil in the oven for 30 mins at 200c and then at 230c for 15.
For the onions I sauteed in a little butter with a teaspoon of whole grain mustard then mixed in a little chopped Jalapenos.
My first time to make my own bread
(apart from Irish soda bread) To make it I used 2 cups of plain flour . One table spoon of yeast activated in a little warm water. One teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of honey and water. I mixed all together cover with cling film and put somewhere warm till it rises twice the size . Kneed it for 10 mins. Then flour a baking tin and place it inside and cover and allow to rise again. Cook in a perheated oven at 240c and cook for 40 mins.
I then mixed an egg and placed it painted it on top.
To make it crunchy.
Tapi hasilnya ga mengecewakan, enak ... , cuman sayang karena gue gak pake saus tomat dan tomat yang gue pake buah tomat yang dipotong2 alhasil rada berair deh lasagna.
Jadi makannya lebih enak esok harinya, karena air tomatnya sudah kering.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
‘Well, actually, I haven’t ever seen Star Wars,’ the look of shame that washed over my face was only partly deliberate and for comic value. Mostly it was about the shame.
To be fair these are just two of the many things on the list that is snappily titled ‘Things I probably should have done by now but haven’t, not due to not wanting to but because the circumstances have never been right and I’ve not made the time.’
I’m not a huge fan of those ‘If you’ve not done this you are not a worthwhile human being’ type lists that inevitably end with: walk the Inca Trail, see Aurora Borealis, swim with dolphins. I find them vaguely patronising and aimed at people who need to be told how to have fun (insert smile/shake of the head here).
But this is my own list. And it is things I haven’t done. Not things I have done and feel achingly and cloyingly smug about.
I’ve never been on a proper upside down, spin you round, make you vomit your spleen out through your nostrils roller-coaster (fear of heights, fear of speed, fear of falling out whilst 200 feet in the air and landing on my face). I’ve never read anything by Dickens (no reason, just haven’t). I’ve never seen a Shakespeare production. I’ve never been to Scotland or New York. I’ve never listened to a Sonic Youth album. Ditto Neil Young. I’ve never been to an opera or a ballet. I’ve never seen a Damian Hirst. You get the idea.
The list goes on when it comes to food. Never had a vindaloo (something I wish to rectify). Never eaten a KFC (something I don’t). I’ve never baked a chocolate cake. I’ve never tried frogs’ legs. I’ve never eaten tripe, brain, cheek or bollock (at least not knowingly). And I’ve never eaten haggis.
Until last night.
Last Sunday was Burns’ Night: an excuse (as if they need it) for anyone who is Scottish, claims to be Scottish, thinks they might once have been Scottish, is possibly of Scottish descent, has ever been to Scotland or seen the painting Monarch of the Glen, to drink whisky – without an ‘e’ (that’s not a drug reference) – read unintelligible poetry and eat haggis, that fabled national dish of Scotland.
Haggis is best approached with an open-mind and a willingness to ignore what is on the ingredients list, which reads like something from the opening scene of Macbeth.
It is essentially a great big sausage. Traditionally – and even today – sausages were a way to make palatable the bits that might have been less than appealing and we see this in many cuisines over the world from French boudin to Polish Kaszanka and the haggis is no different. Made from sheep’s pluck (liver, heart and lungs) and padded out with oats, suet and spices, it can be hard for some to swallow.
When I casually mentioned that I fancied getting a haggis for dinner on Sunday my comment was met with little enthusiasm and as such we ended up haggis-less. But my curiosity was finally sated last night when we walked up the road to take part in the quiz at the local pub. Answering general knowledge questions is tough work and at the halfway point we were offered plates of haggis, tatties (mashed potato) and neeps (mashed turnips).
Which was when I mentioned, perhaps mistakenly, to a fellow quizzer that I’d never had haggis. Knowing my line of work, his response was perhaps justified but I soon got to work filling this glaring chasm in my culinary history.
And I am glad I did because haggis is delicious. It has a great savoury taste, similar to black pudding (thanks to the spices) but a firmer and mealier texture reminiscent of course cous cous or quinoa. With buttery mashed potatoes and slightly acidic mashed turnip on the side it was perfect. It would have been a shame not to wash it down with a few ‘wee drams’ of whisky, which is possibly the reason it took me slightly longer to wobble-walk the few hundred metres back to the house than it normally does.
More scary peanut stories
Starbucks remove peanut products from its shelves in Canada
The FDA is currently investigating a salmonella outbreak that has been traced to a Georgia plant owned by the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) that manufactures peanut butter and peanut paste
But "due to the serious nature" of the FDA warning, Starbucks has "decided to voluntarily pull all products containing peanut butter from company-operated and licensed stores in the U.S. and Canada and stop using peanut butter in those products until further notice."
As a result of the coffee company's decision, the following items will not be available in Canadian Starbucks outlets for the immediate future:
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Bar
- Granola Bar
- Peanut Butter Cookie
- Peanut Butter Oatcake
- Protein Plate
- Peanut Butter Portion Pack (w/Bagels)
From here
![U.S. Food and Drug Administration](http://www.fda.gov/graphics/mastheadart/images/fda_mast_02.gif)
We find
For more Information look herePCA is notifying customers who received recalled products by phone and/or in writing. Customers should segregate and hold the product and call PCA at 1-877-564-7080 for further instructions. Consumers should contact the FDA and visit the agency web site at www.fda.gov for a complete list of all products affected.
“We have been devastated by this, and we have been working around the clock with the FDA to ensure any potentially unsafe products are removed from the market immediately,” said Stewart Parnell, President of Peanut Corporation of America. “Additionally, we are working alongside state and federal food safety experts in every way we can to help them protect consumers, both now and in the future.
“We want our customers and consumers to know that PCA is taking extraordinary measures, out of an abundance of caution, to identify and recall all products that have been identified as potential risks.”
The recalled peanuts and peanut products were distributed nationwide to institutions, food service industries, and private label food companies as well as and in Canada, Haiti, Korea and Trinidad.
So can anyone tell me has this made it into the Korean News because I have a lot of peanut butter loving friends.
And From http://efoodalert.blogspot.com/ We get this informationPeanut Corporation of America (PCA) announced this evening that the company has recalled all peanuts and peanut products processed and shipped from the company's Blakely, Georgia production facility since January 1, 2007.Today's action follows the publication of FDA's investigation report that described unsanitary conditions in the Blakely plant.
help this girl, pity her.
teruk yg amat. x cukup tdow.
imagine dpt tdow sejam -2 jam je sehari.
sbb skt kepale yg amat.
then hari ke3, pagi td. x tahan sgt.
pagi2 bute, drive ke clinic.
owhh...MC for 2 days. hurm...
anyway. just wanna share with u.
and ask ur opinion. ur comment.
this is a story of a friend of mine.
pity her. i dunno how to help her anymore.
hurm... guys. just 1 wish. tolak ansur.
jgn pndg rendah dkt kwn ku ini.
atas segale kesilapan n kelemahan die.
cuz she's too innocent to be blame.
yg baik jdkan teladan. yg buruk tuh.
jdkan pengajaran...
let say ppl.
she's a smart ppl from a great school.
which is boarding school. could be SBP or MRSM.
she's a friend of mine dr kecik lg.
then die de masuk boarding school juge.
but dont worry. i think. non of u guys.
kenal die. well...i ade 9 buah sekolah ye.
primary + 2ndry. so. jgn main teka2 je. =P
so. she could b a friend of mine dr mane2 skola nih.
okay. she's smart. she's nice. she's good.
die caring towards her friends, fmly & bf. [time ade]
die... setia nak mampos. seriously.
die... tahlahhh. baik ah yg penting!!!
lawa pon lawa jgk. ramai ckp die lawa.
but mcm biase, she's down to earth.
okay...there's diz guy. die syg. die care.
but still die org x declare pape pon.
and FYI, that guy USED-2-BE a player.
owh gosh. silap2 sampai skrng pon die player...
i mean dr cite a friend of mine nih.
laki tuh cam player je lg. huhu...
actually. i tataw cmne nak buat. kwn ku inih.
get over him. i dont think he deserved her!
imagine this...
ku bagi name kwnku ini Julia.
and that stupid guy as buaye. wahahah...
* julia ni lg punctual bab2 mase dr i!!! seriously. huh. if i ni da kire straight bab2 mase, julia ni lg straight! but... since da 1st time die kuar utk dating or lunch n what so ever dgn julia nih, buaye tuh akan lmbt. x pernah x lmbt... die org da jmpe berpuluh kali. but then...x de sekali pon buaye tuh ON TIME. lambatnye bukan setgh jam n what so ever, lmbtnyer ituh 2-3 jam! but still. julia ini tunggu sorang2 & x pernah pon balik... FYI, buaye nih adelah MANUSIA pertame yg julia sanggup tunggu lebih2 sampai 2-3 jam.
* bile lmbt. julia nih tanye la nape lmbt...n buaye tuh tak pernah jwb betol2, die akam main2 n last2 julia nih x pernah dpt reason yg acceptable. Julia nih dah pernah menangis depan buaye nih sbb tnggu lame sgt, pernah marah dah, and pernah pukul ape sume sbb geram. tp still, semua tuh sekejap je sbb Julia happy dpt tgk muke buaye x gune nih. and buaye nih, akan ckp sorry itu pun kdng2 and still, akan dtg lmbt setiap kali jumpe...
* buaye ni juge. merupakan MANUSIA pertame yg julia ni sanggup top up... mmg la skit, rm5 - rm10, but kumpul2 dah bape ringgit. dah 5x mcm tuh... taw x Julia nih x reti pon nak share top up ape tah lg top upkan utk mane2 lelaki... even dgn ex-bf die dulu yg couple berthn2 pun die x pernah top up kan cuz julia ni cam pk, top up tuh kan melibatkan duit. die x nak kena tipu. so die sgt berjage - jage bout pape libatkan duit. its not like die kedekut... yes she's not. x berkira pon ttg duit. cuma die takot. tp utk buaye nih! die sanggup top up kan. julia sanggup beli kad top up awal2 utk top up kan buaye nih anytime buaye nih mintak.
* since die kawan dgn buaye nih... ramai dah org yg Julia ni sendiri x pernah kenal, and memang x kenal, warning die ttg buaye nih. ade yg call die gune private number, msg die, and so on warning ttg buaye nih... yg slalu julia kene warning are about bertape PLAYER, CHEATER, and DEGIL nye buaye ni. tp. julia still tutop mate n percaye buaye tuh sbb buaye tuh minx julia cayekan die. so...julia ttp tutop mate, n percaye, buaye nih betol2 dah berubah... die taw dulu buaye ni player, but die anggap buaye ni dah berubah. i dont think so! die sedeyh dgn ape yg org warning ttg buaye tuh tp julia nih...tetap. tetap percayekan si buaye nih...
* julia ni jugak, time demam2, sanggup bangun kul 3 pagi just nak jmpe buaye nih... buaye tuh janji dgn die mlm tuh nak jmpe la. itu la. ini la. sekali pukul 3 pagi baru buaye tu muncul... julia nih tgh demam n baru lena tdow, sbb x leh tdow, sanggup bangun n drive just nak jmpe buaye tuh. dahlah buaye tuh lmbt, pompuan tuh sanggup bgn pepagi bute utk die, die x de pon nak tunjuk rase terima kasih ke ape... i da marah2 julia ttg nih. haih~ rase nak lempang2 je buaye tuh.
* julia ni gak. kalau keluar dgn ex-bf die dulu pon, bukan jenis mcm couple yg lain...i mean. julia nih x ske jln pegang2 tgn ke ape. ape tah lg biar bf die peluk pinggang ke ape. mcm couple lain d depan public... sbb bagi Julia nih, [die pakai tudung] die rase kene hormat tudung tuh. nak buat dose pon, die rase x ske... haaa. camtuh la Julia nih. but dgn buaye mengong nih, die lupakan prinsip die tuh!!! julia biar buaye tuh pegang tgn die bile jmpe...mcm couple, even buaye nih kononnye hanya kwn dgn die. nasib baik pegang tgn x lebeyh2 lg! tp...tah ar. ape buaye tuh nak? kalo x nak kapel, xyah ar gatal nak pegang2 tgn kwnku nih! tp julia biar... hurm~
* julia pernah tanye buaye nih. nape x couple? nape x declare? buaye nih just jwb x declare x bermakne x syg. tp... masalahnye. die buat Julia nih da mcm kekasih hati die yg dipergunakan semate - mate. julia nih dah syg gile kan, mesti la die takot anytime je buaye nih blh tinggalkan die cuz x declare pape pon. bile julia nih ckp die takot hilang buaye nih. buaye nih ckp die serious... tp still la mcm tuh. die gantung je julia. kalau julia tnye je pasal nih, or bangkitkan pasal ni, buaye tuh akan ckp julia x caye dkt die n what so ever ayat2 x bersalah mat romeo. last2 julia nih yg mintak maaf and tak ckp dah pasal tuh even hati die memberontak...geram owh~
* SMS. julia nih paling pantang if elok2 tgh msg, tibe2 je x reply or hilang. kirenye cam i pon if i tgh msg julia, then i ade keje, i akan bgtaw die i ade keje. cuz julia ni kan x ske menunggu. so, die mmg pantang org hilang tibe2. tp...laki nih. buaye nih. ckp bz yg amat. so die nak msg, die msg. julia reply or msg, buaye nih reply lg 5-6 jam pon julia sabar. die percaye buaye nih bz. lebih terkilan...julia nih jenis off hp bile tidow. tp utk buaye nih. die x off. hp die betol2 seblah die time tdow. die x buat silent pon. sbb kdng2 buaye nih msg die pukul 3-4 pagi. die akan try gak bgn time tgh tdow, just utk msg buaye nih sampai la kul 5-6 pagi. die sanggup korbankan mase tdow die jgk utk laki x gune nih...
* julia gak x pernah marah buaye nih except sbb buaye nih lambat... seriously i pon tataw nape julia nih leh sabar gile. julia nih cam childish skit, cpt excited. skali tuh... julia nih gune la tande seru [!]. nak tunjuk die excited [dlm msg].. buaye nih blh ckp "amboi, pandai marah". and terus buaye nih merajuk... hello??? bodow ke ape. julia nih excited pon nak slh fhm n nak majuk. and da point is guys, EVERYTIME die org gadow or buaye tuh merajuk, julia akan mengalah n pujuk buaye tuh gile3 even semuanye salah buaye tuh... julia nih kdng2 mkn hati je. sbb die yg x bersalah, last2 kena pujuk si buaye tuh. alasan julia, x nak burukkan keadaan.
* buaye x de perasaan ni gak kuat merajuk atas sebab2 bodow n kecik. yer la cam julia ni tanye pape skit, terus majuk. majuk die lame n buat kwnku nih cam org bodow! huh...skt ati je. yerlaaa si julia nih call die berpuluh kali n msg berpuluh msg, buaye nih blh buat bodow. julia nih nangis2 pon die buat bodow. FYI, again, julia nih x pernah nak pujuk org lebeyh2 if die taw die x bersalah. n buaye ni juge MANUSIA pertame julia nih pujuk bagai nak rak... hurm. bile buaye tuh rase nak reply, die reply la. tu pon die akan ckp... saje nak tgk julia ni syg die ke x. bangang x? blh nmpk x bertape julia nih bnyk bekorban? hurm...
actually...bnyk lg julia nih story dkt i. tp x teringt da.
wahaha. and sakit ati je nak ingt.
tp yg buatkan i write this post.
cuz. latest yg julia bgtaw ttg buaye nih...
sgt buat i kecewa. terdiam. n...sdeyh.
sedeyh dgn segala pengorbanan julia.
okay ppl. here it goes...
* julia contact ku baru2 ni. and bgtaw... die sedar die dah buat macam2 utk buaye nih. segala bnda yg die x pernah buat utk mane2 lelaki atau manusia die buat. die sedar buaye nih tak hormat die as perempuan, ye la, biar die tnggu lame2. and so on... tp julia ckp. die da tataw nak buat mcm mane supaye buaye ni berubah. and lg i rase cam sdeyh... sbb julia ni dah GIVE n DO EVERYTHING 4 him. sumpah sahabtku ini sanggup korbankan prinsip die ttg mase, maruah dan segalenye utk laki nih. u do really know what i mean with GIVE EVERYTHING n DO EVERYTHING? yer ahhh...anggap je la julia nih mmg dah buat n korbankan mcm2 utk die. and latest. julia tanye...
"kalau lelaki yg x pernah kissing...mesti x reti buat french kiss kan?"
i was like...excuse me? julia... nape tanye mcm tuh?
and i da terngange. n said... "OMG! u did that???"
and she was like..." yup. it's my 1st time..."
lagi cam bangang. buaye tuh mcm pro okay???
i da mcm...mcm mane blh jd nih???
* die ckp. last jmpe buaye nih. buaye kiss die. utk 1st time. mule2 kiss pp. then dahi. then lips. then blh buat french kiss. hello??? i mean. ok fine. Julia ni bukan jenis mcm nih!!! tp die biar okayyyy!!! semuanya die buat utk BUAYE nih. segale bnde die x pernah buat pon. kalo buaye nih, baru 1st time kiss julia nih pon blh terus buat french kiss, nmpk sgt ah mmg dah pro kan?! hurm. frust menonggeng sgt dgr cite julia... frust dgn die yg korbankan segalenye tp hati die tersiksa.
* n da worst part. sehingga buat i menulis ttg julia...sbb tataw mcm mane nak bukak mate julia nih. anggap je la, hurm...ssh nye nak ckp. hari yg same pas die org kissing2 nih. Julia tdow dgn die. yer~~~ sumpah sy nangis dgr cite julia. sdeyh... terkilan. n so on. Julia tdow and i guess, Julia dah korbankan segalenye utk laki nih. okay. da worst disgusting part - Julia nih tataw pape, x ske pon nak pegang tgn mcm couple lain, tapi buaye tak gune nih da kiss die n tdow dgn die!!!
yg plg i frusttt... julia buat juge oral sex. bnda yg julia paling kutuk n takot 1 ketika dulu... julia ikot je n biar je ape buaye tuh buat... =[
* julia ckp, mule2 die kiss je. x sangka die buat seterusnya ituh... u know da step kot? mule2 die peluk2 n kiss julia then buaye x gune tuh mmg pro la i ckp!!! yer laaa... kalo tuh 1st time buaye tuh buat project, mesti ah die takot2. [tataw la if laki mmg x takot if 1st time buat...] ni tak. julia ckp, dr stu, last2 dua2 x berpakaian. okay. i nangis ok dgr cite die!!! then if laki buaye tuh x biase, x kan la reti nak buat oral sex ituh??? i tataw la julia dara lg ke x cuz org ckp selalunya 1st time dara pecah, keluar darah. tp julia ckp tak keluar darah... actually,julia contact i pon...sbb die ckp die takot sgt if die pregnant. owh god... ape lagi laki tak gune tuh nak? julia bukan perempuan murahan... i kenal die mcm mane. hurm... die still baik mcm dulu. cuma...die buat mcm2 utk buaye tuh. i mean da really3 macam2!!!
i kesian yg amat dkt julia. i tataw nak buat ape da. tataw nak ckp ape dah. n tataw la nak ckp jenis jantan x gune ape buaye tuh??? guys. rasenye. if jantan cam buaye tuh....
die syg julia betol2 ke?
betol ke dah tak player?
betol ke x pernah buat projek?
entahlah... hormat julia pon tak. ape tah lg serious. bodow gle pnye jantan. julia tuh ramai peminat n die x layan sorang pon since die dgn buaye nih berkawan! i pon tataw jenis laki ape buaye tuh. guys3! really3 need ur opinion n comment ok. hurm...i wanna save julia. she's too innocent. and to sweet to be unhappy. help me~ =[
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Easy Irish Soda Bread
White Soda Bread
Home from Home
This is so easy and basic .
There is no Yeast Involved
My second post on Soda bread
1 level teaspoon baking soda
1 3/4 cups of buttermilk (you can use milk with lemon juice but you may need less depending on the consistency )
You cant get butter milk so I suggest you use milk with lemon juice instead this will mean you will have to vary home much you now use .
Sift dairy ingredients.
Make a well in the centre.
Pour in all the milk.
Dough should be softish not to wet
Put on floured surface
Pat the dough in a circle about 1 and half inches thick
Cut deep cross on the loaf
Bake for 15 min then turn down
To 400f 200c
For 30 min until cooked
Tap the bottom it will sound hollow
Cool on wire rack
Hari ini nyempetin ke tempat teman, yang melahirkan bebi ce tahun lalu di bulan desember. Dah dari minggu2 lalu kepingin mampir, selalu ada sesuatu jadi nya ketunda tunda deh...maaf ya mbak!
Bebinya cute banget, bobo nya anteng ...so ga berani ganggu lebih lama deh....cukup sebentar aja, n fotoin dulu baru permisi pulang...
Namanya Kitara, namanya ada arti tersendiri lho...menurut ayahnya si artinya air kehidupan ..wah bagus nya...........
My Kimchi Chigae
Its my favorites.
So with my nice new pot I decided to make my own .
I used Pork belly
1 teaspoon of garlic
Shiitake mushroom
Green onion
2 cups of old kimchi
1 Tablespoon of Gochujang (Korean chili paste)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gochujang
A dash of sesame oil
A dash of soy sauce.
So I fried my pork belly in a little sesame oil with the garlic and mushrooms.
I added my kimchi. The gochujang is next a cup or two of water.the green onions . Bring to boil. and enjoy.
Its a little sweet a very nice menu for someone not in Korea to long. This was also cheap 1300 for two . We ate this in new down town near the Come In the old Julianna's .
Most meat places will have it on the menu.
Nominated for Korean Blog Awards
Thank you again for the nomination .Its sweet.
To vote go herehttp://www.koreasparkle.com
Winter Wonderland
changed to snow. I had 3-4 inches of ice on my car and took me almost an hour to get
to work. It snowed until noon today. The dogs really enjoyed it when I let them out!
![DSC_0002 by you.](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3127/3234429423_617a18f863.jpg?v=0)
Oh, and the front of our house finally!
![DSC_0001 by you.](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3421/3234427833_431efe1b5f.jpg?v=0)
The view from our front yard.
![DSC_0005 by you.](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3425/3234432045_218b707ce2.jpg?v=0)
picture so the snow looks extra white too.
![DSC_0007 by you.](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3333/3234434021_8e606b3167.jpg?v=0)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Carrots Do Have A Place in Cake
"It's more about the cream cheese frosting than the cake."
"Next time you should make little orange carrots out of the frosting."
"Carrots have no place in cake."
These are just some of the opinions I collected when I brought carrot cake into work. I was reluctant to bring it in because I thought it was a delicious recipe and wanted to keep it all for myself. But I figured it would be best to not eat half a sheet cake.
Who thought to put carrots in a cake? It sounds like a ridiculous idea, and yet it's delicious. Are there any other vegetables we're forgetting to put in desserts? Cabbage eclairs? Artichoke ice cream? Cucumber flan? Radish rice pudding? I could go on...
My recipe was from Cooking Light, noted as receiving the test kitchen's highest rating at the time it was published in 2005. It was a traditional rendering of the cake. Packed full of moist shredded carrots, a touch of cinnamon, brown sugar, butter, and eggs. Buttermilk added moisture without as much fat. Nothing unusual like coconut, pineapple, raisins, or nuts in the recipe. The cream cheese frosting was similarly straightforward, blending cream cheese, butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar. No distinct flavors like maple, orange, or Irish cream. (For these and other unusual carrot cakes, search on Epicurious) A plain and simple traditional carrot cake was exactly what I was looking for, and it turned out exactly right.
Growing up, I had no idea about cream cheese frosting. I didn't know that a requirement of carrot cake was that it was cut square with a thick white layer of frosting on top or cut as a wedge just so each piece got its own orange frosting carrot. I thought carrot cake was baked in a bundt pan, sliced so that each piece was the shape of a gumdrop, and served unfrosted. I thought this because carrot cake was the only American dessert my mother knew how to make (now she makes whiskey cake quite often too), and that was how she made it. She had acquired a recipe from someone, and made it every time we had guests - which was often since my parents love to entertain. I remember standing at the mixer adding in coconut and mounds of carrots, watching the batter turn a pale orange, folding in the nuts. It was a hearty and dense cake. It could have taken you out back and roughed you up a little, so you didn't forget it was made of vegetable. It was its own breed of cake.
Traditional carrot cake is gentle, with a light, airy crumb. I like my Cooking Light version for those characteristics, and for not being too sweet or rich, but it does leave you craving more cake. I liked my mother's cake for being ultimately satisfying and filling.
Cooking Light recipe: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=1054818
Mom's recipe: TBA