assalamualaikum and a very good evening, alhamdulilah :)
i'm gonna make it short. i am just too tired babes. physically and mentally. haih. ape pun jd dlm hidup ni just as a reminder utk kita, "ingat-ingatlah sikit dkt atas tu". i just can't deny anymore. okay weekdays, as usual. works. go home. jammed. sleep. same routine everyday. weekends, started on friday, i had a full bz weekends with my cousins and relatives. hurm bygkanlah kalau jumaat tu tidur dgn baju kerja sbb penat sgt, ha'ah mmg i tak sempat mandi pun. *JGN TIRU AKSI INI DI RUMAH*
oh btw selasa namin bawak i pergi lunch. last minute. sgt happy. sbb cam jrng jumpa sejak kerja. pergi lunch kejap je dkt mapley. puas hati sbb dpt jumpa and we discussed about perodua and local cars with his friend, azri. and the next day which is wednesday, he did something, personally, is very special to me ;') sobbbb. i ate his very first home made, hand made, mee goreng with fried egg for my lunch. waaaaaaaa. sgtlah rase cam happy gileeee like seriously! eheh. thanks bby. :)
makan sampai licin dgn senyuman. good try syg! :)
nothing much on thursday. i didn't eat the whole day. until i get back home. patut puasa je. tskk. on friday, at first nothing much to be done but during evening, the director came and we settled down several problems about the drama until 7pm and yes, i didn't eat anything yet. (dont worry sweetheart, i didn't lose any KG) i drove home and safely arrived at 8pm. traffic jammed tak hingatttttt sampai sakit pinggang dah kot.
but then, kma bought me 6 pieces of cupcake chic! ahah. love it babeh! :) TQVM kma!
i love cupcakes. indeed i just love cakes.
yesterday was tiring as well. today? woke up in the morning, went to KLIA to fetch teh. she just came back from Medan. had brunch with fmly. and settle down with kenduri at Selayang.
during evening, we headed to Jalan TAR. just 8 of us, all the ladies. heh. i bought 19 tudungs for personal use. HAHA. it's been a while since i last bought hijabs for my personal used okay. and finally here i am, in my room again.
mama ngah & family just went back to Kuantan. and currently there were only my family, teh's family, grandma and Faris in the house. it's school holiday, teh is going to stay here until 1st of june. and mum and abah are going to stay at De Palma Shah Alam the whole week until Friday. abah ade kursus. sobbbb. but rasenye mama akan balik jgk jenguk anak die :D
and and i wanna share a very great news. Mama just got her final result for her Master In Account study, and i really am very proud of her as her child. she managed to get 3.85 PNGK. sobbb. congratulations mama, u really do deserved it. :)
okay guys till then, i need a break. astalavista.
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