Saturday, April 30, 2011

long trip to pantai timur.

assalamualaikum! i am currently blogging, at the one and only pantai batu buruk, terengganu! it's mom's hometown by the way. mama was born in duyung, terengganu, but then my grandfather took the whole family and moved to kuantan, pahang and my mum grown up there. that is my favorite famous answer if someone asked me, why did i celebrate Aidilfitri in Terengganu, like almost every year :)

As a typical orang Terengganu, i did have fun talking in Terengganu accent. YES I DID! i am not a pure pantai timur punya org, but at least i try okay! thank you dkt kawan-kawan MRSM kuala lipis lah kan sebab jadi cikgu terhebat! :D

okay, as for yesterday, i arrived Kuantan around 730pm, had dinner and kak aizam bought a cute chocolate cake for abah! YEAY! thank you kak aizam. She asked me to follow her to go to the kitchen and bring the cake along with the candles. but unfortunately, there's a talkative, hopeless secret keeper --- little guy amsyar, keep on jumping and shouting in front of abah and said "Ayah Da, ada cake bday ayah da! jom la jom la!" pfttt. i was like, "kak aizam, kalau tu anak qla dah lame kene taw x. hahahahahah."

and so, today, we had breakfast and drove straight to terengganu! there were 3 cars, and i'm adopted by mama ngah. haha. teman faris drive je. mama ngah bace novel dkt belakang.

mama ngah has one special room, full of malay love novels at her house.
she could be reading the whole day and stay late at night until 3am.

yes i was bored, i didnt sleep at all, not a second,
so this is as a result --- being totally perasan. :P

faris, drebar hari ni yg baru dinaikkan gaji oleh SONY. haha :P

YEAYYY almost there!

this is it. :)
our favorite family vacation, a place to stay!

well for those who never came or been here, i mean Terengganu, well, i could suggest you to at least, try to eat these few things.
1 - akok! THIS IS THE MOST TEMPTING KUIH! not to forget, bahulu! the one yg dijual tepi jalan, berasap-asap, bakar dgn sabut kelapa tu taw! makan panas-panas!
2 - KEROPOK LEKOR - itu memang sgt amat wajib, makan both rebus and goreng okay! especially KEROPOK LEKOR LOSONG!
3 - last and not least, nasi dagang. and then you can also try lah laksam, nasi kerabu apa semua yg lagi famous dkt Kelantan tuh.

okay dah lapar. esok jamuan 2pupu kahwin, so till then, enjoy! :)

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