Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday - Answered Prayer

This week in our Good Morning Girls group we have been reading James 5: 13-17 which is on prayer. It has been a really good study and discussion among all of us over e-mail. Today I wanted to share something that I shared with the girls yesterday in e-mail about an answer to prayer I have had recently.

About a month ago my husband informed me that he had put a job application in at one of the hospitals a little to the north of us. He is currently working at a hospital to the south of us, in a resource position as a Respiratory Therapist. He had a full time position there and then decided to start going back to school to get his bachelors and also volunteer with our churches disaster response program. With all of the flooding we have had here in Ohio, he has been pretty busy with that.

So I began praying about the application. A week or so later he received a call asking to come in for an interview. Two weeks ago or so he went in for the interview. It was a full time night shift position. The pay was only a couple cents less than what he was making full time before. This hospital is a much larger hospital than the one he is at currently, and is a trauma hospital at that. He has always wanted to work in trauma. Everything seemed perfect, except for one thing; he would have to work every other weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. He told the person hiring about our church beliefs. The person was very familiar with Adventists and said he could switch with people to take Saturday nights off if he wanted to.

David still did not feel comfortable, mostly because we are very active in our church and working every other weekend would hinder that. Later that week, the hospital called back to offer him the position. He took the weekend to think and pray about it, and then two weeks ago on Monday, he called back to tell them that he would have to decline the job.

I was a little upset about the whole situation. However, it was his decision to make and I supported him. I prayed on Tuesday that if God wanted David at this hospital that he would have them call him back that week with another option. After Tuesday,  I honestly forgot about what I had prayed and had pretty well come to terms with the decision and that he would not be working there.

Thursday afternoon, right as we were getting ready to walk out the door, the phone rings. I could hear David talking to someone upstairs and it sounded like the hospital. He got off the phone and told me that it was the human resource person calling because the manager of the department had asked her to offer David and resource position instead of the full time position. When we read over the description of the job, it fit perfectly! David will still be able to work at both hospitals as well as continue his work with the disaster response group through our church.

I tell you all this to encourage you that God is still answering prayers!! Even when we don't expect it, He is willing to do mighty and wonderful things through prayer! Why don't you try praying to Him today!

This post is linked to: Women in the Word Wednesday

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