well 2010 dah berlalu, buhbye 2010! so di sini nak flash back balik like, bunch of things jgklah kan. so here's a few highlights about 2010, and i divided it into a few groups, so let start with foods.
cam biaselah kan. ade bnda yg 1st time buat, 1st time makan, itulah inilah. banyak jgk yg tak bergambar. tapi rase cam 2010 is 1 of my amazing years of foods. HAAHAHAH. sbb bnyk makan menu baru. LIKE!
1st time buat coklat sendiri. mula-mula je buat, lepas tu mama yg rajin. HAHA
ape pun mmg puas hati, sbb coklat ni best. based on cooking choc kte pilih jgk.
1st time sampai RSGC - royal selangor golf club, & 1st time keluar berbuka puasa dgn
office mate yg bekerja dlm production house. now i miss that ;')
1st time goreng makaroni goreng sendiri. ye kot. ke dah nyanyuk?
tp rasenye 1st time. utk namin. dipuji oleh kawan-kawannya yg telan habis licin!
ehem. choc muffin buatan sendiri jgk yeee. cpt gile habis, open house pun ramai ske!
1st time makan meatball ikea. HAHAHAHAHA. yar, i bkn ske sgt gi ikea b4 nih.
oh 1st time jgk cake daim tuh. pergh. sedap!
best durian belanda juice on earth --- Kelantan. thank you sherry :)
ate my 1st strawberry dgn coklat nih --- Cameron Highlands.
blh kate year of KFC jgk. HAHAHAHA. rase cam addict dgn cheesy wedges.
excited lebih tgk pokok eh jap. nape lupe tetbe name buah ni.
ha buah ape-ape lah kan dkt blakang rumah nenek!
rambutan kuning. my fav. abah petikkan mcm tu je :)
best asam pedas --- Melaka. thank you namin :)
year of steamboat jgk.
well, banyak lg sebenarnye. tak teringat sampai. tapi dlm 2010 nih, ade banyak 1st time.
- 1st time mkn coco pie. eh ye ke name die? jap google. choco pie '-___-''
- 1st time mkn jeruk jambu dkt R&R Tapah
- 1st time mkn ayam penyet wkt producer BERNAMA bwk dkt Kg Baru
- 1st time mkn rojak yg macam mamak2 jual. ingtkan rojak tu adalah rojak buah.
- 1st time skeee makan satay, HAHAHAHAHA
- 1st time makan ayam ESSO On The Run --- perghhh sedap gile!
- 1st time ske makan nasi lemak, sotong kurita. muahaha.
- 1st time makan HALLS -- hitam merah, and mesti beli bebnyk!
- 1st time makan yong tau foo dkt down town cheras!
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