Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I cut up a whole chicken!

It's so much cheaper to get the whole chicken rather than individual chopped up parts, but I've never really done it, because in the past,
1. I didn't want to get my hands dirty
I don't mind it now, I think if you get serious with cooking you have got to be willing to understand what you're cooking by feeling the flesh, the bone, the fat, the skin..
2. It's just stressful facing a whole chicken
So, to prep myself mentally, I watched a lot of youtube videos beforehand.
I have a diagram for anyone keen to try it out too:

3. My freezer is TINY.
My flatmate's going away for a holiday, so the freezer's actually got space. It's now or never.

And I did it! It wasn't perfect, there were bits of meat still clinging to the bones so I just scraped them off, minced them all up, and got me a small portion of minced chicken that will come in useful somehow.

People say they cannot afford free-range, but like getting pre-packed chicken breasts which costs £7.78/kg. A free-range chicken costs £3/kg. Free-range chicken thighs and legs costs £3.34/kg. This is what i get usually, and actually the meat is more flavoursome than breast meat. All the same, I can't wait to try recipes using the breast cut of the chicken this time though! Oh another perk, I get the leftover carcass for making chicken stock!

Hurray for "auntie" mathematics (:

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