Saturday, April 24, 2010

A tale of the mouse...

I despise mice! I can't stand the sight of them, let alone one in the house. We have been in this house for and year and a half and have not had a mouse problem yet, until this week.

I think the mouse must have known that David was gone at work and I was the only one home, so he timed his entry accordingly. I was sitting on the couch in the living room with the cat on my lap. She got up from my lap for just a few minutes before I heard a huge banging and clattering coming from the kitchen. It had the cat written all over it. So I got up to walk around to the kitchen, thinking she had gotten onto the counter and knocked something over. To my horror, when I turned the corner around the couch, there was the mouse running for it's short little life across my kitchen floor with the cat in hot pursuit.

The next part is kind of girly. I of course screamed as loud as I could and ran for the front door. The poor dogs outside heard me screaming and start running around the yard barking ready to protect whoever was screaming. Once I got outside, I also realized that our neighbor was in his driveway and had probably heard my blood curdling screams. I didn't dare go back in that house, so I watched helplessly as the cat killed the mouse and continued to play with it all around the downstairs.

Thankfully I had remembered to grab my phone amidst all the screaming and running so I called my mother-in law. She is a lover of all animals, including mice, so I waited outside for 45 minutes until she came over and rescued me from the mouse.

And of course, everyone enjoyed teasing me about it the rest of the night!

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