Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lazy potatoes, delicious soup, and a diabetes update

I've been in the kitchen ALL day. We had a holiday party for our patients (party one of one Friday), and I was responsible for making chicken skewers and turkey meat balls -- both of which were delicious! I'll post the recipes with pictures on Friday. After my extensive morning meatball and skewer prep, I refused to dirty another pot and my stand mixer in order to make mashed potatoes! Heretofore, I made them in the microwave. Yep, that's right, microwave mashed potatoes. I realize this makes me lazy lazy lazy, HOWEVER...they were good! Secret ingredient: 1% buttermilk! After cooking my new potatoes (skins on!) in the microwave, I mixed them (with a hand mixer...whisks easily go into the dishwasher!) with Smart Balance Light, 1% buttermilk, an abundance of crushed garlic, and a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Mmmm!

Dinner was salmon with lemon pepper and fresh lemon juice and mashed potatoes (that portion looks HUGE...but it's about 1 cup!)

Also for dinner, I made a new recipe -- Spicy Senegalese Sweet Potato & Peanut Soup. I got this recipe from the National Peanut Board, which called for peanut oil and peanut flour. And being the lucky girl that I am, the National Peanut Board had mailed me these ingredients to try and recommend to patients.

 Thank you, National Peanut Board!! <3

 fresh ginger = a favorite!

Call me slow, but I learned the hard way...owwwwwwww!! And the hotness stays on your hands for DAYS!
Anyone else find this out the hard way? :-/

I have to say...
peanut oil + onion + garlic + ginger + jalapeno = Uhhhhhhhmazing scent! 
My house still smells so good!

+ sweet potatoes = SUPER Uhhhmazing!!!


Oh, and the soup..the soup was delicious as well! Husband agreed that it was completely unique and had a very "gourmet" in flavor.

Spicy Senegalese Sweet Potato & Peanut Soup

1 Tbsp peanut oil
2 cups onions, peeled, diced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 1/2 Tbsp ginger, chopped (I doubled this!)
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
3 cups sweet potatoes, peeled, diced
1/2 cup peanut flour
1 1/2 quarts chicken stock (low-sodium if you prefer!)
1 Tbsp brown sugar (I used the Splenda brown sugar mix)
1 Tbsp peanuts, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, ginger, and jalapeno, saute 2 minutes until transleucent. Add the sweet potato and cook for 15 minutes. Add peanut flout, stir to coat.
2. Add the chicken stock and bring to a summer. Simmer 30 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
3. Transfer the vegetables to a blender and puree until smooth. Season with salt, pepper, and brown sugar.
4. Serve sprinkled with chopped peanuts.

Nutrition Information (per serving): 198 calories, 7 grams fat (1 gram saturated, 4 grams MUFA, 1.5 grams PUFA), 8 grams protein, 26 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber

 And in the news...
The World Health Organization (WHO) declares diabetes is reaching epidemic proportion worldwide.
Illinois has launched an online survey entitled, "Speak Out About Diabetes" which includes questions such as, "Have you ever seen a dietitian about how to manage your diabetes?"
Hallelujah!!! Yet again, I am feeling empowered and blessed to be working in diabetes and working towards my CDE.

Question: What ONE area of nutrition interests YOU the most? Either as a nutrition provider, patient, or nutrition advocate.
Weight loss/weight management? Diabetes? Renal? Pediatrics? Nutrition support? Geriatrics? Bariatric? All-natural/organic? Sports nutrition?

P.S. I know I went a bit carb-crazy with my mashed potatoes AND sweet potato soup for supper. Ohhhh well : )

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