Saturday, June 27, 2009

should get some sleep

it's about what u do.

not what u say.

semalam... tdow awal. x mampu lg tahan mate lelame. wish kwn2 bday pon,
wish awal b4 12am cuz i'm just soo sleepy. wahaha. then hp TERoff. both maxis.
sbb x de battery. 2day, bgn awal, pas subuh terus mandi... siap2, jln kaki ke kolej.
owh...kolej kosong. yg ade pasar pagi. sy borak dgn mr shah. bout future undertaking.
then. bout 0735am, the futsal crew arrived & bergerak la kami ke ampang sport planet.
well. menjaga food & beverage pnye part, under nora, x la bnyk keje sgt. just. ngantok.
sumpahhh ngantok gle. hp? still off-on. x sempat nak charge + too bz. [as if...]
owhhh. ingt nak cuci mate. mesti ramai team kacak2 kan td? tp... rabun. grrr~~~

owh nora. 1st of all. sorry if x membantu sgt. sbb kdng awk kene suruh, baru sy buat.
sbb kdng sy tataw nak buat ape... sorry if x cukup bagus ek? erm. panas amat.
rase nak blk2 je umah tdow if ade transport. unfortunately, no. owh yer... sy join.
sbb no 1 sy - nak tlg nora. die da bnykkk sgt tlg sy. no 2 - kolej of course. support~! huu.
blk rumah dlm kul 7 ptg td sampai. eh awk. thanks utk colourful cupcakes tuh. hurm...
ske. excited. sbb 1st time dpt cupcakes as a present... thanks again. love it.

babe. did u called me last nite? sorry. i'm so damn sleepy + blur + empty.
mmg x seda la hp ke mane. hurmmm... TTM call pon nasib baik i TERangkt around 1am.
itupon die call no celcom. imagine how unconcious i'm, since time die call, i angkt.
and then i ckp... n then i tgk phone blk. nak taw sape yg call. then i ckp blk. mengong~
yg i seda. die ckp... "da la awk ni. ingt majuk. leteyh sgt la tu. da2 g tdow"
and all i said just... "ok. k... mmmmmm... yerrrr". itu tandenye, tdow mati. hukkk.

owh yer. sy taw sy mmg banyak sakit lately... tp. tu bukan sy nak.
sy x mintak sape2 simpati pon. xyah ssh2 dtg jmpe ke ape pon.
sy xnak sshkan sesape... n x perlu tanya khabar sy...if just na ckp...
"mcm2 la awk/ko/u nie.." trust me - sy x mintak nak sakit pon.
and sy x bgtaw sepenuhnya pon sy pnye sakit camne...biar sy je yg taw.
so. xyahlah camtu. hati sy ni kecik je... sbb da penah jd cepis2. so.
biarlah slow2 die cantum blk. k? thanks.

sy rase hidup da nak jumpe noktah.

goodbye. ngantok. leteyh.

goodnite. sweet dream~

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