Monday, April 20, 2009

Pap Smear Test

Dari milis tetangga, penting buat cewek

Di America, wanita yang telah berhubungan sexual disarankan untuk melakukan test rutin setiap 1 tahun sekali. Jika dari hasil Pap Smear test ada kelainan pada sel2 kita, disarankan melakukkan test setiap 6 bulan sekali燿an apabila kita mempunyai benjolan atau cyst pada payudara, juga mesti test rutin setiap 6 bulan sekali.

Pap Smear:
Pap Smear adalah test yang dilakukan dengan jalan mengambil sel-sel yang ada di dalam mulut rahim kita. Sel-sel ini akan di test di Laboratorium untuk melihat apakah sel-sel ini mengandung kanker atau akan membangun sel-sel kanker. Jika ditemukan abnormal sel biasanya akan dilakukan Pap Smear ulang, dan untuk lebih telitinya akan diadakan test yang namanya Colposcopy dan juga Biopsy. Penemuan sel kanker dalam tahap dini sudah bisa disembuhkan total. Jadi sangat penting untuk kita selalu rutin cek setiap tahunnya.

Dokter tidak bisa menyatakan bahwa kita mengidap kanker hanya dengan melihat dari hasil X-Ray atau USG atau mengkira-kira, jika itu terjadi berarti ibu-ibu bisa langsung pulang dan mencari rumah sakit atau dokter yang lebih bagus yang akan menjalankan serangkain test sebelum menyatakan bahwa itu kanker dan harus dioperasi.

Dulu saya sempat menemukan benjolan di payudara, doctor merujuk saya untuk melakukan mammogram test, dari mammogram test terlihat benjolan yang diperkirakan cyst atau gumpalan yang bisa berupa cairan atau lemak, dari mammogram saja tidak cukup untuk menentukan apakah itu hanya cyst atau tumor ganas, setelah dari mammogram saya dirujuk lagi untuk melakukan ultrasound. Dengan ultrasound para radiologist bisa melihat lebih jelas kedalam benjolan payudara tersebut, apakah hanya cyst atau berupa kanker. Untungnya benjolan saya hanya cyst yang bisa hilang dan datang, ini biasanya karena hormon kewanitaan kita yang suka berubah menjelang menstruasi. Tetapi jika radiologist melihat ada kelainan dari benjolan tersebut, mereka menyarankan untuk melakukan biopsy yaitu dengan mengambil sebagian sel dari benjolan itu, biasanya dengan jalan disedot pake jarum suntik, dibius lokal dan爐idak sakit. Nanti dari hasil laboratorium, doctor baru bisa menyimpulkan, apakah itu kanker atau bukan.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, saya akan copy paste definisi dari Pap Smear, Mammogram, Ultrasound dan Biopsy dari salah satu medical website di America. Semoga membantu!

Pap Smear
What Is a Pap Smear?

A Pap smear (Pap test) is a way to look at a sample of cells taken from a woman's cervix. The test is used to look for changes in the cells of the cervix that show cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer.

All women who are or who have been sexually active, or who have reached age 21, should have an annual Pap smear. It is your best tool to detect pre-cancerous conditions and hidden, small tumors that may lead to cervical cancer. If detected early, cervical cancer can be cured.
How Is a Pap Smear Performed?

The Pap smear is done during a pelvic exam. A doctor uses a device called a speculum to widen the opening of the vagina so that the cervix can be examined. A plastic spatula and small brush are used to collect cells from the cervix. After the cells are taken, they are placed into a solution. The solution is sent to a lab for testing.
Is the Pap Smear Painful?

A Pap smear is not painful, but the pelvic exam may be a little uncomfortable.

Cone biopsy (conization) for abnormal cervical cell changes

A cone biopsy is an extensive form of a cervical biopsy. It is called a cone biopsy because a cone-shaped wedge of tissue is removed from the cervix and examined under a microscope. A cone biopsy removes abnormal tissue that is high in the cervical canal. A small amount of normal tissue around the cone-shaped wedge of abnormal tissue is also removed so that a margin free of abnormal cells is left in the cervix.

A cone biopsy can:

* Remove a thin or a thick cone of tissue from the cervix, depending on how much tissue is needed for examination.
* Be used to diagnose and sometimes to treat abnormal cervical tissue. The abnormal tissue is removed and sent to a lab for examination.

Why It Is Done

A cone biopsy may be done after a Pap Smear test indicates moderate to severe cell changes and:

* The abnormal tissue cannot be seen with colposcopy but was found in cells collected from a biopsy of the cervical canal, or the abnormal tissue seen with colposcopy extends high into the cervical canal. A cone biopsy is done to remove and examine the abnormal tissue.
* The abnormal cells found on a Pap test cannot be seen with colposcopy or found in cells collected from a cervical biopsy. The cone biopsy may be used to diagnose the cause of the abnormal cell changes and remove the abnormal tissue at the same time.
* Cervical cancer is suspected based on Pap test results, colposcopy, and cervical biopsy. A cone biopsy can determine the extent, depth, and severity of the cancerous tissue and can guide treatment decisions.

Untuk yang menjalani Test Payurada:

A mammogram is an X-ray test of the breasts (mammary glands) used to screen for breast problems, such as a lump, and whether a lump is fluid-filled (a cyst) or a solid mass.

A mammogram is done to help screen for or detect breast cancer. Many small tumors can be seen on a mammogram before they can be felt by a woman or her health professional. Cancer is most easily treated and cured when it is discovered in an early stage. Mammograms do not prevent breast cancer or reduce a woman's risk of developing cancer. However, regular mammograms can reduce a woman's risk of dying from breast cancer by detecting a cancer when it is more easily treated.
Why It Is Done

A mammogram is done to:

* Screen for breast cancer in women without symptoms.
* Detect breast cancer in women with symptoms. Symptoms of breast cancer may include a lump or thickening in the breast, nipple discharge, or dimpling of the skin on one area of the breast.
* Locate an area of suspicious breast tissue to remove for examination under a microscope (biopsy) when an abnormality is found.

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound produces sound waves that are beamed into the body causing return echoes that are recorded to "visualize" structures beneath the skin. The ability to measure different echoes reflected from a variety of tissues allows a shadow picture to be constructed. The technology is especially accurate at seeing the interface between solid and fluid filled spaces. These are actually the same principles that allow SONAR on boats to see the bottom of the ocean.

What is ultrasonography?

Ultrasonography is body imaging using ultrasound in medical diagnosis. A skilled ultrasound technician is able to see inside the body using ultrasonography to answer questions that may be asked by the medical practitioner caring for the patient. Usually, a radiologist will oversee the ultrasound test and report on the results, but other types of physicians may use ultrasound as a diagnostic tool. For example, obstetricians use ultrasound to assess the fetus during pregnancy. Surgeons and emergency physicians use ultrasound at the bedside to assess abdominal pain or other concerns.
What is a breast biopsy?

A breast biopsy is a procedure in which part or all of a suspicious breast growth is removed and examined, usually for the presence of cancer. The growth sample is suctioned out through a needle or cut out using a surgical procedure. The sample is then examined and evaluated under a microscope by a pathologist to identify non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant) tissue.

Words used to refer to the abnormal area or growth before and after diagnosis may include lump, mass, lesion, and tumor.

What is the purpose of a breast biopsy?

The basic aim of a breast biopsy is to determine whether or not a worrisome lump is cancer and, if it is cancer, what type it is. When no cancer is detected, the diagnosis of a benign or harmless lump is reassuring.

Semoga bermanfaat Ladies!

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