Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Be-lated Happy New Year!

I finally made it to a computer! We moved into our new house the weekend after Christmas and I am still without the internet. I am at my in-laws right now using theirs.

So yes, we are moved in for the most part. That was a very stressful weekend. My brother was the first one to arrive in West Virginia to find that a tree had fallen across our driveway! So that was a 3 hour job, with some snags along the way. First the chain saw wouldn't start; then it got stuck in the tree resulting in a bent blade. So David and Phil went to Lowe's to get a new one. Finally they got enough cut up to get up the driveway. Meanwhile, Aimee and I had gotten most of the kitchen packed. Sunday we spent 4 hours loading up the u-haul (which got stuck in the driveway on the way up and that took 15 minutes getting out). We left by 2pm and arrived in Trenton at 6pm. Aimee's boyfriend David (DJ = Dave Junior) came out from Indiana to help us unload it. Monday I had to work, so everyone else finished unloading. Oh and did I mention that our box spring for our bed wouldn't fit up the stairs. So David and his dad had to go out and buy 2 twin size box springs to equal our queen. Tuesday I had off work, so I spent most of the day organizing and putting things away. David's mom had put all the kitchen stuff away on Monday which was a big help; I just did some minor moving to get things exactly where I wanted them.

So now the only thing we have left are the book cases; the upstairs twin room/office, and some pictures to hang. I am hoping to get most of that done this weekend or in the evenings this week. As soon as the house looks presentable enough I will take some pictures and once I have internet I will post them!! I just wanted to give you all an update so you didn't think I had fallen off the face of the earth! :-)

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