I don’t really like birthday, because it reminded me of my ever increasing age. I hate being an aged person, and lately, article on botox somehow seems very interesting. Emm... I used to dread those people using botox and always think that everyone should age naturally and natural look is the best way for someone to live his life. Now I am becoming more acceptive (is there such word as acceptive) towards people using the drug that kill muscle tissues.
And also, i realised when you reached 35 like me, your concern and priority start to change. You will be concerning more about you reaching 40, rather than wasting time remembering and reminiscing about your sweet 30s and 20s. You keep on thinking about things you have not yet achieve and have not done. And you realized that time is getting limited and it will not wait for you.You start planning more stuff to include in your yearly, monthly, daily activities so you don’t miss things so much. Not that you actually care about it and do it, but you care about the planning part. Maybe because of reading too much motivational books.
Or otherwise called the premenopausal syndrome for unsuccessful male.
But I like birthday celebration, especially those secret ones.
Especially when it is yours and your friends took liberty and spent their time planning to surprise you with cakes and goodies and tried as best as possible to keep it a secret from you, and you somehow knows it , especially when your friends suddenly being very nice to you and take you too karaoke and kept on looking at each others and nod their head as if they are communicating telepathically as if you are not in front of them. You know you are in for a surprise.
And that what actually happen the night before Christmas when some friends gathered and bought cake and food and sang birthday song. What do you do about it? You try to look as suprise as possible and show your happy face lah. What else.
But i was actually very happy and excited about this year's birthday, for some reason i can't explain. Maybe because of the cake, but most probably because i know i am being loved, by friends or someone.
Thank you Richard, kimi,
The next day was Christmas. Zubir and I went to Mimi’s apartment somewhere in OUG. She organized a BBQ party by the pool. Mimi’s house is just beside Mawi’s apartment. Yes Mawi, the famous singer who recently got married. He is not staying there anymore, but if anyone like mawi and want to see how his apartment door looks like can go to Mimi’s house.
So there were the 5 of us, Mimi, Uncle A, Waiem, Zubir and i having a blast roasting chicken, and gossiping and do what ever people do when bbqing
Yummy, BBQ chicken
Going to her house was easy, but getting out from that area wasn’t. We somehow got lost between the confusing road and was actually led to an open Christian grave area. I quickly made a detour back and then was totally lost and almost gave up, not before we come across a Chinese house having a funeral function with a casket in front of the house in this housing area name Taman Tan Yew Lai. How could we get from OUG to this taman Tan Yew Lai don’t ask me, i never know it exist this place. It (the cemetery and the casket) really woke every sense and nerves before i saw a lorry I quickly followed it and prayed to god that lorry is not heading to another funeral or graveyard.
Luckily it did not, I takes us to the main road of Puchong Kinrara. Yes, I don’t know how we can get from OUG in Klang Lama using the PJ route, to Taman Tan Yew Lai and then to puchong kinrara. I sometime amazed myself with my own ability to act stupid. From Kinrara we headed to Kesas and reach Shah Alam in a record time of 2 and half hour.
Hik hik.
Home at last, then i chatted for a while then I went to sleep.
Oh, i want to show something. Mimi have this Mainecoone cat at home and this cat is as big as a dog. Its bloody gigantic and that was my first time ever experienced holding a cat as big as that.
I really want one of those... I want a mainecoone.
Anyway, the next day, after over sleeping, i mean really-really over, mothers woke me up, while i was busy dreaming playing in a field full of very large cats. Mother asked me to take her to the nearest pond so she can fish. She like fishing so much, and I myself have not fish for quite sometimes got all my gear ready to go fishing as well
When I got to my car, I saw one of the tires was punctured. When I try to take out the spare tire i realized that the right rear tire was also flat.
Just imagine if it went flat at the cemetery. I think I will just drop dead there.
I called Raz and told him about the flat tires and asked him for some favour. Raz took me to the shop and before that we made a short stop at the ATM machine. I have only one hundred ringgit with me, and took out another RM300. Then we made our way to the tire shop.
The Chinese mechanic said, there is nothing wrong with one of the flat tires while the other one have nail attached to it. Obviously someone did something because the other tires are just occay, but it had no air.
This is not the first time it happens to my car. Some idiot around my house must have done it. I curse him and his family of eternal misery. And if he has a car, I swear on his grandmother’s grave he will get into a freaky accident because of a flat tire. Hopefully he is not dead, and dread the things he had done before, for the rest of his life because he no longer have leg or both legs, or blind or have one of his hand missing, and no one can find the hand, because it got detached from the body and flew into a moving cement mixer lorry and end up in a concrete wall of a 40 floors high rise building.
Anyway, the mechanic took no more than 2 minute to repair the problem and it only cost me RM5.
Bloody bugger, and now I have 400 cash with me and I cannot have cash, because I will try to finish it all off because I hate carrying cash around, and I will end up in a supermarket buying things I do not need such as red and purple coloured boxer (because I already bought the blue, yellow, pink and grey one last week, so I need the complete set) or sets of teapot and teacup because I just love tea set. Mother has asked me to stop buying tea set long time ago because she has no place to put it anymore.
So i think i will buy more boxer.
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