just arrived home bout an hour.
owh ye. semlm raye haji.
selamat hari raye haji! hee.
8th december 2008
act semlm, kte org snap fmly pics.
since raye hari tu x sempat snap flmy pics sgt.
then. makan2. and tgh hari. gerak!!!
we went to damai santubong.
sebelah gunung santubong & ade pantai.
saje bwk fmly teh jalan2. hee.
act. i'm a bit sleepy. cuz. tdow kejap2. haha.
dah tdow 1:30am. then kul 3am i bgn blk.
haih~ bukak laptop n on9 ym.
kambink maw bg sy something.
sy pon on9 dlm mamai2.
then. tnggu. download a few software.
n he gave me a file. i opened it...
and it's a nice simple slideshow.
with a few sweet words.
at da beginning & ending.
and a pics of us.
with a song, "thats when i love u"
hee. thanks. x sia2 i bgn pagi2 bute. hee.
then kul 5am baru tdow blk. haih~
then sampai2. just snap pics lg. and lepak je.
aisyah mandi swimming pool with ayie.
then ptg skit ajak ayie jln dkt pantai. best3.
maw on9 dkt sane. but then. broadband slow.
sbb x de line sgt. haih~ jd kul 12 dah tdow. haha.
9th december 2008
bgn2, breakfast. then. ajak ayie tman jln dkt pantai.
act. malas maw mandi pantai. cuz.
salty! and... berlengas badan nnt. but then.
mule2 basah kaki je. then dah bsh sampai perut.
then. terus. wahhhhhhh. main ombak! haha.
bergelen air dah tertelan okay? mate pon pedih.
tp enjoy sgt3. whee... main dkt 2 hours! =P
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