Tuesday, November 16, 2010

OT Tip

This week I am going to give you ideas for age 0-2 to develop fine motor skills. As you will recall last time, I gave you a list of what are age appropriate fine motor skills for ages 0-6. Refer to this list if you need a refresher.

So some main things that you want to work on with your child this age is to work on grasping and letting go, turning objects in hand, stacking, threading, drawing with crayons, snapping, buttoning.

Some great times to work on fine motor skills is when your child is in their highchair or during bath time. When babies begin to start eating regular food, giving them small finger foods is a great way to develop their fine motor skills. In the bath, let them fill and empty various containers and spill water. This will encourage them to use their hands to explore things around them. You can use recycled yogurt containers or any small container that you have laying around your house!

Music is a great way to introduce new toys that rattle and noise makers that they can play with to the music. Blowing bubbles and letting them catch or pop them will also encourage them to use their hands.

For smaller infants who maybe aren't ready for these types of activities, tummy time is a great way to encourage using their hands. Stacking blocks, pushing blocks through holes, using rattles and noise toys, and encouraging them to pick up and hold things in their hands.

For more ideas check out this great article on The Baby Corner.

Disclaimer: I am a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. The advise in these tips is not a replacement for medical advise from a physician or your pediatrician. Please consult their advice if you suspect any medical or developmental issues with your child.   

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